On Consciousness Thinking Fast and Slow Priming Effect Games Research Game Theory - Neuro Heterotopias Cosmologias Ameríndias Do Corpo Utópico as Heterotopias no Bem Estar

22/03/2024 04:17:11 Author: Jackson Cionek

On Consciousness Thinking Fast and Slow Priming Effect Games Research Game Theory - Neuro Heterotopias Cosmologias Ameríndias Do Corpo Utópico as Heterotopias no Bem Estar

 Cosmologias Amerindias
Cosmologias Amerindias

Neuro-heterotopias referem-se a espaços neurais ou estados de consciência que diferem do funcionamento cerebral cotidiano. Na neurociência, isso pode se relacionar com áreas do cérebro que operam de maneira única, talvez devido a uma condição neurológica ou a estados alterados de consciência. 

Cosmologias Ameríndias são sistemas de crenças e conhecimentos indígenas das Américas que compreendem uma visão de mundo integrada, conectando o físico, espiritual, social e ambiental. Essas cosmologias frequentemente enfatizam a interconexão de todas as formas de vida, o respeito pela natureza e uma compreensão profunda do lugar do ser humano no universo.

O Corpo Utópico e as Heterotopias são conceitos filosóficos, muitas vezes associados a Michel Foucault. O "corpo utópico" refere-se a uma idealização do corpo que transcende a realidade física, enquanto "heterotopias" são espaços reais que funcionam em não conformidade ou em paralelo com outros espaços (por exemplo, cemitérios, jardins, museus). Esses lugares são simultaneamente físicos e mentais, proporcionando perspectivas alternativas ou contra-discursos à normatividade.

Influenciando o Bem-estar Populacional

Integrar esses conceitos para influenciar o bem-estar populacional implicaria:

Integração Cultural e Ambiental;

Espaços de Reflexão e Cura;

Reconhecimento do Corpo Utópico;

Aplicação das Neuro-heterotopias;

Integrar essas dimensões requer uma convolução Vital, dos Sentidos e da Linguagem, respeitando a sabedoria indígena e integrando-a aos conhecimentos deixados pela ciência com evidências de maneira ética nas práticas contemporâneas de bem-estar. Isso envolve diálogo, colaboração e uma disposição para aprender e adaptar-se a diferentes modos de conhecimento e práticas de vida.

Daniel Kahneman's book "Thinking, Fast and Slow" explores various facets of human psychology and decision-making, prominently discussing the dual-process theory of the mind. The book delineates two distinct systems of thinking: System 1 (fast, automatic, intuitive) and System 2 (slow, deliberate, analytical). Within this framework, Kahneman addresses several phenomena, including the concept of consciousness and the priming effect, which are essential in understanding how our mind operates.

Consciousness, in Kahneman's framework, is more than just awareness; it involves attention and the effortful engagement of mental processes. It is closely tied to the workings of System 2, as this is where deliberation, choice, and self-control come into play, aspects we commonly associate with being conscious entities.

Priming Effect

The priming effect is a phenomenon where exposure to one stimulus influences the response to another stimulus, without conscious guidance or intention. It's a clear demonstration of how System 1 can operate beneath our conscious awareness and still significantly affect our behavior and decisions.

Subconscious Influence: Priming shows that our thoughts and behaviors can be influenced by stimuli we might not be consciously aware of. For example, being exposed to words related to kindness can make a person behave more altruistically in a subsequent, unrelated task.

In essence, "Thinking, Fast and Slow" weaves together these concepts to paint a comprehensive picture of the human mind. The interplay between consciousness and the automaticity of System 1, exemplified by the priming effect, challenges our traditional notions of free will and the control we have over our thoughts and actions. It suggests that much of what we think and do is influenced by mental processes that operate silently and automatically, beyond the spotlight of our conscious awareness.

Game theory is a mathematical framework designed for understanding the decision-making processes in situations where the outcomes depend on the actions of multiple decision-makers (agents). It's widely applicable across various fields, including economics, political science, biology, computer science, and, notably, in the study of games (both in traditional games like chess or poker and in video games). Here’s how game theory relates to games research:

Strategic Thinking and Decision Making

Predicting Opponent Moves;

Designing Game Mechanics;

Balancing and Fairness

Ensuring Balance

Fairness in Game Design;

AI and Machine Learning

Developing AI Opponents;

Machine Learning;

Economic Models and Incentive Structures

In-Game Economies

Reward Systems;

Cooperation and Conflict

Multiplayer Dynamics;

Narrative and Plot Development;

Game theory is an essential tool in games research, providing a structured way to analyze and design games that are fun, challenging, balanced, and engaging. It bridges the gap between theoretical mathematical models and practical applications in game design, ensuring that players find the game environment fair, competitive, and enjoyable.

Neuronal Population Encoding of Identity in Primate Prefrontal Cortex

he concept of "Neuronal Population Encoding of Identity in Primate Prefrontal Cortex" pertains to how groups of neurons in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) of primates, including humans, encode information related to the identity of objects, individuals, or other distinct entities. This encoding allows the brain to process and react to complex stimuli in the environment, supporting functions such as decision-making, memory, and perception. Here’s a breakdown of what this involves:

Neuronal Population Encoding;

Identity Encoding;

Primate Prefrontal Cortex (PFC);

Implications for Cognitive Functions;

Research Methods;

Understanding the neuronal population encoding in the PFC can provide crucial insights into the neural basis of high-level cognitive functions and how these processes might be disrupted in neuropsychiatric conditions. It also has potential implications for the development of brain-computer interfaces, enhancing cognitive function, or rehabilitating cognitive deficits.

Desmascarando mitos sobre Homen Social Homo Economicus e Nacionalismo

Desmascarando mitos sobre Homen Social Homo Economicus e Nacionalismo

A Tirania da Beleza e Consumo
Almas Livres Criam Espíritos Livres
Os Mecanismos da Fé 
Liberdade de Vir, Ficar, Ser, Desobedecer e Ir
Me Tornei Adulto e Deixei as Coisas de Criança
Fé é o Quadro que Sufoca sua Imagem


Priming Effect | Priming Effect 

Thinking, Fast and Slow | Priming Effect

Thinking, Fast and Slow

Psychology and Neuroscience | Priming Effect

Psychology and Neuroscience

Long Term Memory (LTM) and Learning | Priming Effect

Long Term Memory (LTM) and Learning

On Consciousness | Priming Effect

On Consciousness

Neuroscape | Game Theory


How To Play Chess: Beginner | Game Theory

How To Play Chess: Beginner

Videogames and Kids Development | Game Theory 

Videogames and Kids Development

Games Research 2/2 | Game Theory 

Games Research 2/2

Cosmologias Ameríndias | Neuro Heterotopias

Cosmologias Ameríndias

Do Corpo Utópico as Heterotopias | Neuro Heterotopias 

Do Corpo Utópico as Heterotopias


00:00:00 - 01:36:00

Priming Effect


01:36:00 - 02:44:00

Thinking, Fast and Slow


02:44:00 - 04:26:00

Psychology and Neuroscience


04:26:00 - 06:59:00

Long Term Memory (LTM) and Learning


06:59:00 - 07:49:00

On Consciousness


07:49:00 - 10:29:00



10:29:00 - 12:57:00

How To Play Chess: Beginner


12:57:00 - 14:44:00

Videogames and Kids Development


14:44:00 - 17:19:00

Games Research 2/2


17:19:00 - 21:00:00

Cosmologias Ameríndias


21:00:00 - 23:59:00

Do Corpo Utópico às Heterotopias

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Jackson Cionek