NIRS EEG Congresso Cérebro, Comportamento e Emoções FesBE SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024 

Congress on brain Behavior and Emotions 2024
Congress on brain Behavior and Emotions 2024

Fesbe 2024
Fesbe 2024
XXXVIII Reunião Anual da FeSBE

2 a 5 de julho de 2024 
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) - Campinas/SP


XLVII Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Neurociências e Comportamento – SBNeC será realizado no período de 28 de outubro a 01 de novembro de 2024

Neuroscience 2024
Neuroscience Meeting 2024 - Chicago for Neuroscience 2024
Saturday, October 5–Wednesday, October 9

Querer que os Outros Queriam - Ilusão do Viver Melhor Ali e Depois 

Jackson Lives 
Jackson's Lives

Based on science with evidence, we have weekly talks referenced in Personal Consciousness, Spiritual Freedom and Organic Politics.

A Liberdade de Expressão deve estabelecer um mínimo abrangente que envolva a Consciência Pessoal, a Liberdade Espiritual e a Política Orgânica.
Esse enfoque é essencial para transcender a massificação superficial e falaciosa da politização do debate público.


Consciência Pessoal

Consciência Pessoal


DREX Cidadão
Liberdade de Expressão 
Consciência Pessoal 
Liberdade Espiritual 
Política BioSocial  
Liberdade Financeira

Liberdade Espiritual

Liberdade Espiritual


DREX Cidadão
Liberdade de Expressão 
Consciência Pessoal 
Liberdade Espiritual 
Política BioSocial  
Liberdade Financeira


Below are the latest NIRS EEG publications and highlights

Effects of evening smartphone use on sleep - FesBE NIRS EEG OHBM SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024

Effects of evening smartphone use on sleep - FesBE NIRS EEG braincongress SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024

Höhn C, Hahn MA, Gruber G, Pletzer B, Cajochen C & Hoedlmoser K (2024) Effects of evening smartphone use on sleep and declarative memory consolidation in male adolescents and young adults. Brain Communications.
Neuroscience 2024 Publications
Advancing passive BCIs - EEG measured error-related potentials ErrPs FesBE NIRS EEG OHBM SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024

Advancing passive BCIs - EEG measured error-related potentials ErrPs FesBE NIRS EEG braincongress SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024

Pan Y, Zander TO & Klug M (2024) Advancing passive BCIs: a feasibility study of two temporal derivative features and effect size-based feature selection in continuous online EEG-based machine error detection. Frontiers in Neuroergonomics, 5.

Neuroscience 2024 Publications


Improvements in motor control biofeedback program for chronic stroke FesBE NIRS EEG OHBM SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024

Improvements in motor control biofeedback program for chronic stroke FesBE NIRS EEG braincongress SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024

Marin-Pardo O, Donnelly MR, Phanord CS, Wong K & Liew S-L (2024) Improvements in motor control are associated with improved quality of life following an at-home muscle biofeedback program for chronic stroke. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 18.

Neuroscience 2024 Publications


Premotor cortical beta synchronization neuromodulation finger tapping Parkinson FesBE NIRS EEG OHBM SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024

Premotor cortical beta synchronization neuromodulation finger tapping Parkinson FesBE NIRS EEG braincongress SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024

Gulberti A, Schneider TR, Galindo-Leon EE, Heise M, Pino A, Westphal M, Hamel W, Buhmann C, Zittel S, Gerloff C, Pötter-Nerger M, Engel AK & Moll CKE (2024) Premotor cortical beta synchronization and the network neuromodulation of externally paced finger tapping in Parkinson’s disease. Neurobiology of Disease, 197, 106529.

Neuroscience 2024 Publications


Auditory and Visual Gratings Elicit Distinct Gamma Responses FesBE NIRS EEG OHBM SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024

Auditory and Visual Gratings Elicit Distinct Gamma Responses FesBE NIRS EEG braincongress SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024

Gulati D & Ray S (2024) Auditory and Visual Gratings Elicit Distinct Gamma Responses. ENeuro, 11(4).

Neuroscience 2024 Publications


EEG-fMRI Defensive cardiac states and avoidance arbitration under threat FesBE NIRS EEG OHBM SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024

EEG-fMRI Defensive cardiac states and avoidance arbitration under threat FesBE NIRS EEG braincongress SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024

Klaassen FH, de Voogd LD, Hulsman AM et al (2024) The neurocomputational link between defensive cardiac states and approach-avoidance arbitration under threat. Commun Biol 7, 576.

Neuroscience 2024 Publications


EEG-fMRI Spatiotemporal brain dynamics covert speech overt speech A simultaneous EEG-fMRI study FesBE NIRS EEG OHBM SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024

EEG-fMRI Spatiotemporal brain dynamics covert speech overt speech A simultaneous EEG-fMRI study FesBE NIRS EEG braincongress SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024

Zhang W, Jiang M, Colin A, Bhuvanakantham R, Fong L, Khang W, Guo Z, Foo V, Jonathan H, Padmanabhan P, Leong V, Lu J, Gulyás B & Guan C (2024) Revealing the Spatiotemporal Brain Dynamics of Covert Speech compared with Overt Speech: A Simultaneous EEG-fMRI Study. NeuroImage, 120629–120629.

Neuroscience 2024 Publications


Cortex responses to social smiles predict sociability in early human development FesBE NIRS EEG OHBM SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024

Cortex responses to social smiles predict sociability in early human development FesBE NIRS EEG braincongress SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024

Grossmann, T., & Allison, O. (2024). Dorso-medial prefrontal cortex responses to social smiles predict sociability in early human development. Imaging Neuroscience. 2: 1–8.



Two types of cooperative problem-solving approaches An fNIRS hyperscanning study FesBE NIRS EEG OHBM SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024

Two types of cooperative problem-solving approaches An fNIRS hyperscanning study FesBE NIRS EEG braincongress SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024

Zhang, M., Yin, Z., Zhang, X., Zhang, H., Bao, M., & Xuan, B. (2024). Neural mechanisms distinguishing two types of cooperative problem-solving approaches: An fNIRS hyperscanning study. NeuroImage, 120587



Mothers and fathers show different neural synchrony with their children FesBE NIRS EEG OHBM SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024

Mothers and fathers show different neural synchrony with their children FesBE NIRS EEG braincongress SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024

Liu, Q., Zhu, S., Zhou, X., Liu, F., Becker, B., Kendrick, K. M., & Zhao, W. (2024). Mothers and fathers show different neural synchrony with their children during shared experiences. NeuroImage, 120529



Acute stress impairs intentional memory suppression through aberrant prefrontal cortex activation in high trait ruminators FesBE NIRS EEG OHBM SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024

Acute stress impairs intentional memory suppression through aberrant prefrontal cortex activation in high trait ruminators FesBE NIRS EEG braincongress SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024

Long, J., Peng, L., Li, Q., Niu, L., Dai, H., Zhang, J., ... & Zhang, R. (2024). Acute stress impairs intentional memory suppression through aberrant prefrontal cortex activation in high trait ruminators. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 24(2), 100463



Value-based sequential decision-making in healthy older adults FesBE NIRS EEG OHBM SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024

Value-based sequential decision-making in healthy older adults FesBE NIRS EEG braincongress SBNeC SfN Neuroscience 2024

Kang, K., Antonenko, D., Glöckner, F., Flöel, A., & Li, S. C. (2024). Neural correlates of home-based intervention effects on value-based sequential decision-making in healthy older adults. Aging Brain, 5, 100109


É mentira que CBDC de varejo gera Inflação

A Linearidade de caçadores coletores para Era Agricula e Cidades Estados é Mentirosa.
O Capitalismo Atual é uma forma demomínio que agora está em queda.

Os Mecanismos da Mão Invisível do Mercado
Liberdade Financeira é o Craving do Homo Economicus - O Cancer Social
Mata, Desmata e causa Emergências Climáticas
Especular Especular Especular, Mentir Mentir Mentir - O Lucro Incondicional

Culto e Voto ao Opressor é o viés da Domesticação
Necessitamos da Política Orgânica onde o Estado e Cidadão são UNOS

Mentiras Centenárias e Milenares:

- 171 Como Liberdade de Expressão (mentir para Lucrar)
- Consumo como Progresso (desejo de ser Feliz comprando)
- Dinheiro como Mercadoria (Juros)
- Homo Economicus (Justificação dos Egoistas)
- Homen Social (Impor leis para que o Homem ser Bom)
- Vida após o fim da Vida (Medo no Controle de massas humanas)

Independência no Banco Central ou Desigualdade Social CBDC de Varejo

Devocional Matinal Finais dos Tempos
Responsabilidade for Your Vital Sense
É pra te entreter. Que é pra você não ver que o programado é você!
Frases e Video Clips de Verdades Secretas
Pensamentos versículos frases ideias de auto ajuda com base neurocientíficas
A Tirania da Beleza e Consumo
Almas Livres Criam Espíritos Livres
Os Mecanismos da Fé 
Liberdade de Vir, Ficar, Ser, Desobedecer e Ir
Me Tornei Adulto e Deixei as Coisas de Criança
Fé é o Quadro que Sufoca sua Imagem
A Doutrina da Libertação - A Besta Mente e o Besta Segue
Misturar bem as Lembranças - Esquecer para Ser
Os Mecanismos da Mão Invisível do Mercado
Plenitude na Liberdade de Expressão dos quem Transcendem o Binarismo
Você é Domesticado Pelas Escolhas que não Tem
Hipocrisia da Gratidão
Liberdade de Expressão Sem Limites
DREX Cidadão gera Democracia Pertencimento e Patriotas Verdadeiros




* This is a social networking platform where blogs are made by customers and researchers.
* The content published here is the exclusive responsibility of the authors.


Jackson Cionek