Christmas spirit. Does it exist? Why people get so emotional during this time of the year?

Christmas parties has been part of majority family celebration all over the world for about centuries. For those countries who follow the christian religion, christmas ceremony are celebrate every december, 25th, and it means the day when the messiah Jesus Christ was born on Earth. He was a spiritual leader who taught the meaning of human life and pure mean of love.
A very interesting scientific report was published on 2015 named as Evidence of a Christmas spirit network in the brain: functional MRI study. Their purpose was to identify the biochemical and physiological phenomenon that could explain the behaviour changes during what so called christmas spirit. In order to do that, the scientists have done an experiment with two group of patients. The first group was holding people who have celebrated christmas since youth, it was part of their traditional culture. On the other hand, the second group, have no traditional culture and was not used to celebrate the ceremony. During the experiment 84 pictures was shown to both group of patients. Some of the pictures have symbolic christmas features, and other pictures have nothing related to christmas.
Image: pictures showed on experiment

The study concluded that there is a christmas spirit network in the brain that lead humans to have joy spirit during the christmas night.
[1] Evidence of a Christmas spirit network in the brain: functional MRI study. Anders Hougaard, Ulrich Lindberg, Nanna Arngrim, Henrik B W Larsson, Jes Olesen, Faisal Mohammad Amin, Messoud Ashina, Bryan T Haddock. 2015. Retrieved from:
[2] An introduction to fMRI. F. Gregory Ashby. 2015. Retrieved from:
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