Jackson Cionek

Capitalismo Humano Money Creation Dinheiro Digital DREX criado no Cidadão - Cultural Neuroscience Cumulative culture and traditions Artists our hope for new awareness

Capitalismo Humano Money Creation Dinheiro Digital DREX criado no Cidadão - Cultural Neuroscience Cumulative culture and traditions Artists our hope for new awareness

Capitalismo Humano Money Creation Dinheiro Digital DREX criado no Cidadao
Capitalismo Humano Money Creation Dinheiro Digital DREX criado no Cidadao

A ideia de criar uma moeda digital brasileira, como o "DREX", para suprir as condições mínimas de existência e dividir os rendimentos do país entre os cidadãos, reflete uma tentativa inovadora de repensar a economia e a distribuição de riqueza. Este conceito parece combinar elementos do capitalismo com uma forte ênfase no bem-estar social e na justiça econômica, o que pode ser descrito como uma forma de "Capitalismo Humano".

Capitalismo Humano: Características e Considerações

Bem-estar Social e Econômico: O foco principal está em garantir que todas as pessoas tenham acesso às necessidades básicas, como alimentação, moradia, saúde e educação. A implementação de uma moeda digital com esse propósito pode facilitar a distribuição direta de recursos, garantindo um mínimo de bem-estar para todos.

Distribuição de Renda: Além de atender às necessidades básicas, a ideia inclui a divisão dos rendimentos do país de forma mais equitativa entre os cidadãos. Isso poderia reduzir desigualdades e fomentar uma sociedade mais justa, onde o sucesso econômico do país beneficia todos os seus habitantes.

Digitalização e Inclusão Financeira: A criação de uma moeda digital nacional pode promover a inclusão financeira, permitindo que mais pessoas tenham acesso a serviços financeiros básicos. Isso também pode facilitar a implementação de políticas públicas voltadas para a redistribuição de renda e o estímulo à economia.

A proposta de um "Capitalismo Humano", através da criação de uma moeda digital para fins de bem-estar social e redistribuição de renda, representa uma visão progressista que busca harmonizar os princípios capitalistas de eficiência e inovação com valores de equidade, justiça social e sustentabilidade. Esse modelo desafia concepções tradicionais de economia e trabalho, propondo uma nova forma de pensar a relação entre o indivíduo, a sociedade e o estado.

"Cultural Neuroscience" is a multidisciplinary field that investigates how cultural variables interact with the brain's structure and function, influencing behavior, cognition, and emotion. This area of study combines methodologies and theories from neuroscience, psychology, anthropology, and sociology to understand how cultural practices shape neural mechanisms and, conversely, how these neural mechanisms facilitate the transmission and adaptation of culture.

Cumulative culture refers to the way in which cultures build upon previous generations' knowledge, innovations, and practices, leading to increasingly complex and adaptive cultural repertoires. This aspect of human culture is essential for understanding how traditions are formed, maintained, and evolved. It highlights the importance of cultural transmission mechanisms and the role of social learning in human development.

Cultural neuroscience can provide insights into how the brain enables the accumulation and transmission of culture. For example, studying variations in brain regions associated with social learning and memory can help explain differences in how cultures are adopted and adapted over time.

Artists play a pivotal role in reflecting, critiquing, and shaping cultural norms and values. Through their work, artists can challenge existing paradigms and inspire new ways of thinking, feeling, and interacting with the world. In the context of cultural neuroscience, understanding the impact of art on the brain and behavior is a fascinating area of study. Art can evoke powerful emotional responses, alter perceptions, and even influence attitudes and beliefs, serving as a bridge between individual experiences and collective cultural expressions.

The interaction between art and neuroscience offers a unique lens through which we can explore the potential for art to foster new awareness and understanding. By studying how exposure to different forms of art affects neural processes related to empathy, creativity, and critical thinking, researchers can gain insights into how art contributes to cultural evolution and the development of societal values.

The integration of cultural neuroscience, the study of cumulative culture and traditions, and the role of artists suggests a hopeful perspective for the future. By better understanding the neurobiological foundations of cultural transmission and the transformative power of art, we can leverage these insights to promote cultural awareness, empathy, and innovation.

This interdisciplinary approach can inform strategies to address global challenges, enhance cross-cultural understanding, and inspire collective action toward a more inclusive, equitable, and creative world. Artists, as agents of change, have the potential to ignite this new awareness, guiding society toward a deeper appreciation of the diverse tapestry of human culture and the shared neural mechanisms that unite us.

Money Creation III | NeuroEconomics

Money Creation III

The Psychology of Populism | NeuroEconomics

The Psychology of Populism

Cumulative culture and traditions | Cultural Neuroscience

Cumulative culture and traditions.

Arts and Neuroscience | Cultural Neuroscience

Arts and Neuroscience

Building the architectural future with new technologies | NeuroArt 

Building the architectural future with new technologies.

NeuroArt for beginners. Stress and anxiety release | NeuroArt 

NeuroArt for beginners. Stress and anxiety release.

Artists our hope for new awareness | NeuroArt 

Artists our hope for new awareness.

Christian Songs | NeuroArt 

Christian Songs


00:00:00 - 06:38:00

Money Creation III


06:38:00 - 07:38:00

The Psychology of Populism


07:38:00 - 10:12:00

Cumulative culture and traditions.


10:12:00 - 15:49:00

Arts and Neuroscience


15:49:00 - 17:26:00

Building the architectural future with new technologies.


17:26:00 - 20:41:00

NeuroArt for beginners. Stress and anxiety release.


20:41:00 - 22:58:00

Artists our hope for new awareness.


22:58:00 - 23:59:00

Christian Songs

#eegmicrostates #neurogliainteractions #eegmicrostates #eegnirsapplications #physiologyandbehavior #neurophilosophy #translationalneuroscience #bienestarwellnessbemestar #neuropolitics #sentienceconsciousness #metacognitionmindsetpremeditation #culturalneuroscience #agingmaturityinnocence #affectivecomputing #languageprocessing #humanking #fruición #wellbeing #neurophilosophy #neurorights #neuropolitics #neuroeconomics #neuromarketing #translationalneuroscience #religare #physiologyandbehavior #skill-implicit-learning #semiotics #encodingofwords #metacognitionmindsetpremeditation #affectivecomputing #meaning #semioticsofaction #mineraçãodedados #soberanianational #mercenáriosdamonetização
Author image

Jackson Cionek

New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma | Brain States