Jackson Cionek

Academic Research on Games, Affective Computing Tyranny of Merit - Consciousness States Research Neuro Urbanism, Creativity and Hallucinations

Academic Research on Games, Affective Computing Tyranny of Merit - Consciousness States Research Neuro Urbanism, Creativity and Hallucinations

Academic Research on Games Affective Computing Tyranny of Merit

Academic Research on Games Affective Computing Tyranny of Merit

Affective computing is a multidisciplinary field that explores the interaction between emotions and technology, particularly focusing on how computers and machines can detect, interpret, and respond to human emotions. While affective computing has many potential applications, including in gaming, it is not directly responsible for the "tyranny of merit" concept.

The term "tyranny of merit" was coined by the political philosopher Michael J. Sandel in his book titled "The Tyranny of Merit: What's Become of the Common Good?" published in 2020. Sandel's argument revolves around the idea that the meritocratic ideals of contemporary societies, where success and rewards are primarily determined by individual talent and effort, can lead to social and economic inequalities, as well as a sense of superiority among the winners.

It is important to note that affective computing itself is a neutral concept and does not inherently contribute to or perpetuate the "tyranny of merit." However, it is possible that certain applications of affective computing in the context of gaming could be designed in ways that reinforce or exacerbate existing social hierarchies and inequalities. For example, if affective computing is utilized in a game to disproportionately reward or favor players based on their perceived emotions or reactions, it may inadvertently reinforce the notion that success is solely a result of individual merit, neglecting broader systemic factors.

To fully address the question of how affective computing could potentially contribute to or keep the "tyranny of merit," further research and analysis are required. It would be necessary to examine specific implementations of affective computing in games, study the social and psychological implications of these systems, and consider how they intersect with broader societal issues related to meritocracy, inequality, and social justice. Such research could shed light on whether and how affective computing technologies in gaming might reinforce or challenge the dynamics associated with the "tyranny of merit."

Consciousness states research involves studying the different states of consciousness that humans experience, including wakefulness, sleep, dreams, altered states, and various meditative states. This field seeks to understand the neural mechanisms underlying these states, their subjective qualities, and their implications for cognitive processes and human experience. Researchers employ various methods, such as neuroimaging, EEG (electroencephalography), and subjective reports, to investigate and classify different states of consciousness. The findings from consciousness states research contribute to our understanding of brain function, perception, cognition, and the nature of subjective experience.

NeuroUrbanism is an emerging interdisciplinary field that combines neuroscience, urban planning, architecture, and design to study how the built environment impacts the human brain, behavior, and well-being. It explores how urban spaces and features, such as buildings, parks, streetscapes, and transportation systems, influence cognitive processes, emotions, stress levels, social interactions, and overall quality of life. NeuroUrbanism aims to create cities and urban environments that are conducive to human well-being, health, and flourishing by integrating knowledge from neuroscience and related disciplines into urban planning and design practices.

Creativity is a cognitive process characterized by the generation of novel ideas, original solutions, and innovative outcomes. It involves combining existing knowledge, making connections between seemingly unrelated concepts, and thinking outside the box to produce unique and valuable creations. Research on creativity explores the cognitive, neural, and psychological mechanisms underlying creative thinking and problem-solving. It investigates factors that enhance or inhibit creativity, such as environmental conditions, individual traits, domain-specific expertise, and the interplay between conscious and unconscious cognitive processes. Understanding creativity has implications for various fields, including psychology, education, business, and the arts.

Hallucinations are perceptual experiences that occur in the absence of external stimuli. They can manifest as seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, or feeling things that are not actually present. Hallucinations can occur in different contexts, such as psychiatric disorders (e.g., schizophrenia), neurological conditions (e.g., epilepsy), substance use, and certain physiological states (e.g., sleep deprivation). Research on hallucinations seeks to understand the underlying neurobiological mechanisms, cognitive processes, and subjective experiences associated with these phenomena. This research helps elucidate the nature of perception, consciousness, and the abnormalities that can occur in these domains, leading to advancements in diagnosis, treatment, and support for individuals experiencing hallucinatory phenomena.

Tyranny of Merit | Affective Computing 

Affective Computing

Engineering Emotions | Affective Computing 

Affective Computing

GAMES Research 1/2 | GAMES Research

Academic Research on Games Game Theory Games for Learning Games as a Treatment Pesquisas acadêmicas sobre Games Teroria dos Jogos Games para aprendizadoGames como tratamentoInvestigación académica sobre juegosTeoría de JuegoJuegos para aprenderJuegos como tratamiento

GAMES Research 2/2 | GAMES Research 

Game Conferences | GAMES Research

Consciousness States Research | Hallucinations 

Consciousness States Research | Neurourbanism


00:00:00 - 03:12:00

Affective Computing


03:12:00 - 11:00:00

Affective Computing


11:00:00 - 14:58:00

Academic Research on GamesGame TheoryGames for LearningGames as a TreatmentPesquisas academicas sobre GamesTeroria dos JogosGames para aprendizadoGames como tratamentoInvestigación académica sobre juegosTeoría de JuegoJuegos para aprenderJuegos como tratamiento


14:58:00 - 17:37:00

Academic Research on GamesGame TheoryGames for LearningGames as a TreatmentPesquisas academicas sobre GamesTeroria dos JogosGames para aprendizadoGames como tratamentoInvestigación académica sobre juegosTeoría de JuegoJuegos para aprenderJuegos como tratamiento


17:37:00 - 19:09:00

Academic Research on GamesGame TheoryGames for LearningGames as a TreatmentPesquisas academicas sobre GamesTeroria dos JogosGames para aprendizadoGames como tratamentoInvestigación académica sobre juegosTeoría de JuegoJuegos para aprenderJuegos como tratamiento


19:09:00 - 22:30:00



22:30:00 - 23:59:00


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Jackson Cionek

New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma | Brain States