Jackson Cionek

Religare Spirituality, Mystical Human Performances, Within a secular democratic and rights state, individuals are free and protected in their subjectivity - Latam el Nuevo Futuro Ancestral

Religare Spirituality, Mystical Human Performances, Within a secular democratic and rights state, individuals are free and protected in their subjectivity - Latam el Nuevo Futuro Ancestral

Jackson Cionek Laico Democratico de Direito
Jackson Cionek Laico Democratico de Direito

Religare Spirituality refers to the personal and subjective experience of connecting with the divine or sacred. It encompasses various religious and spiritual practices, beliefs, and experiences that individuals may have in their quest for spiritual fulfillment. It is a deeply personal and introspective journey that can involve prayer, meditation, rituals, contemplation, and other forms of spiritual engagement.

"Mystical Human Performances" is still not a commonly used term, and its meaning remains unclear. However, it could potentially refer to the expression or manifestation of mystical experiences or insights through human actions, behaviors, or artistic performances. Mystical experiences often involve a sense of unity, transcendence, or connection with a higher reality, and individuals may attempt to express or communicate these experiences through various mediums.

Within a secular democratic and rights state, individuals are free and protected in their subjectivity:

In a secular democratic and rights state, such as many modern democratic nations, individuals are granted certain fundamental rights and freedoms. These may include freedom of thought, belief, and religion. Individuals have the right to hold and express their subjective beliefs, including religious or spiritual beliefs, without fear of persecution or discrimination.


Secularism ensures that the state remains neutral in matters of religion, not favoring or endorsing any particular religious belief or practice. It allows individuals the freedom to practice their chosen religion or pursue their personal spirituality, while also respecting the rights and beliefs of others. The protection of subjectivity means that individuals have the right to hold and express their own subjective experiences, beliefs, and opinions, within the limits of the law and without infringing on the rights of others.

Overall, a secular democratic and rights state provides a framework that supports individual freedom, including the freedom to engage in religare spirituality or other forms of personal spiritual exploration, while ensuring the protection of these individual rights within the boundaries of the law.

Spirituality | Religare

Mystical Human Performances | Religare


Democracia | Laico Democrático

Within a secular democratic and rights state, individuals are free and protected in their subjectivities. But it is cowardly and illegal to question the Secular Democratic State and Law when you are being protected by one.Dentro de um estado Laico Democrático e de Direitos os indivíduos estão livres e protegidos em suas subjetividades.Mas é uma atitude covarde e ilegal questionar o Estado Laico Democrático e de Direito quando se está sendo protegido por um.Dentro de un Estado laico, democrático y de derechos, los individuos son libres y están protegidos en sus subjetividades.Pero es cobarde e ilegal cuestionar el Estado y la Ley Democrática Secular cuando uno está protegido por uno.

Latam el Nuevo Futuro Ancestral | Latam el Nuevo Futuro Ancestral

Latin America is a region with a rich history of indigenous cultures, traditions, and spirituality. The phrase suggests a desire to reclaim, revive, and integrate these ancestral elements into the present and future development of the region. It implies a recognition of the value and importance of indigenous knowledge, spirituality, and customs, and an aspiration to create a future that incorporates and respects these ancestral foundations. 

The concept of "Nuevo Futuro Ancestral" implies a forward-looking perspective that draws inspiration from the past and seeks to create a renewed future that blends ancestral wisdom with contemporary challenges and aspirations. It may encompass various aspects, such as cultural preservation, indigenous rights, sustainable development, social justice, and embracing diverse perspectives.

It's worth noting that Latin America is a diverse and multifaceted region with different countries, cultures, and histories. The interpretation and implementation of "Latam el Nuevo Futuro Ancestral" may vary depending on the specific context and the individuals or groups who promote this vision.


00:00:00 - 05:05:00



05:05:00 - 07:04:00



07:04:00 - 15:33:00

Within a secular democratic and rights state, individuals are free and protected in their subjectivities.But it is cowardly and illegal to question the Secular Democratic State and Law when you are being protected by one.Dentro de um estado Laico Democrático e de Direitos os indivíduos estão livres e protegidos em suas subjetividades.Mas é uma atitude covarde e ilegal questionar o Estado Laico Democrático e de Direito quando se está sendo protegido por um.Dentro de un Estado laico, democrático y de derechos, los individuos son libres y están protegidos en sus subjetividades.Pero es cobarde e ilegal cuestionar el Estado y la Ley Democrática Secular cuando uno está protegido por uno.


15:33:00 - 23:59:00

Latam el Nuevo Futuro Ancestral

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Jackson Cionek

New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma | Brain States