Jackson Cionek

Public Policy, Neuroscience Centers, Daniel Kahneman Noise and Human Bias - Amazonia, o Despertar da Florestania, Your Perception is Your Reality, Cerebral Connectoma, Memories

Public Policy, Neuroscience Centers, Daniel Kahneman Noise and Human Bias - Amazônia, o Despertar da Florestania, Your Perception is Your Reality, Cerebral Connectoma, Memories 

Perception Reality Cerebral Connectoma Memories - Jackson Cionek
Perception Reality Cerebral Connectoma Memories - Jackson Cionek

How can bias and noise (in Daniel Kahneman's Idea) change our perceptual processes?

Daniel Kahneman, a Nobel laureate in Economics, is well-known for his research on human decision-making, biases, and cognitive psychology. "Noise" is a concept he has explored alongside "bias," and together they shed light on the various ways in which human judgments and decisions can be influenced.

Bias: Bias refers to systematic patterns of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment, often leading to inaccurate or irrational decisions. Kahneman and his collaborator Amos Tversky extensively studied cognitive biases, such as the availability heuristic, representativeness heuristic, and anchoring effect. These biases cause individuals to make judgments or decisions based on mental shortcuts, previous experiences, or irrelevant information, rather than engaging in a more thorough and rational evaluation of the situation.

Noise: Noise, in the context of decision-making, refers to the random variability or inconsistency in judgments made by different individuals or even the same person over time. This can lead to inconsistent and unpredictable outcomes, even when the decision-makers are using the same information and following the same decision rules. Noise can occur due to factors like mood, distractions, or personal biases that affect judgment.

Kahneman, along with collaborators Olivier Sibony and Cass Sunstein, expanded on the concept of noise in their book titled "Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment." The book argues that noise is an often overlooked but significant factor in decision-making, particularly in contexts where consistency and fairness are critical, such as legal and financial decisions, medical diagnoses, and employee evaluations. Noise can lead to disparities and inaccuracies in these decisions, which may not be solely attributed to systematic biases.

To mitigate noise and improve decision-making, organizations and individuals can take several steps:

Implement structured decision-making processes that rely on clear criteria and guidelines.

Use algorithms and automation to reduce the impact of human subjectivity and variability.

Provide training and feedback to decision-makers to enhance their awareness of potential biases and sources of noise.

Foster a culture of consistency and fairness within organizations.

In summary, Daniel Kahneman's work on noise and human bias highlights the complex nature of decision-making and the interplay between systematic biases and random variability. Recognizing and addressing both bias and noise is crucial for making more accurate and rational decisions in various domains.

How you perceive and interpret events, situations, and information shapes your personal reality, even if it doesn't necessarily align with an objective reality.

Several factors contribute to this concept:

Subjectivity: Every individual brings their own unique set of experiences, emotions, cultural background, and cognitive filters to their perceptions. These factors color how they interpret and make sense of the world around them.

Perceptual Filters: People tend to focus on specific aspects of their environment and may filter out information that doesn't align with their existing beliefs or expectations. This filtering process can lead to a skewed understanding of reality.

Cognitive Biases: Cognitive biases are systematic patterns of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment. They influence how individuals process information and make decisions, often leading to deviations from objective reality.

Emotional Influences: Emotions play a significant role in shaping perceptions. Positive emotions might lead to a more optimistic view of reality, while negative emotions can result in a more pessimistic or distorted perspective.

Social and Cultural Context: Cultural norms, societal influences, and the opinions of others can shape an individual's perception of reality. People often conform to the beliefs and views of their social groups.

It's important to note that while individuals perceive reality through their own subjective lenses, objective reality still exists independently of personal perception. Objective reality refers to the world as it objectively is, regardless of individual perspectives or biases. While you might perceive the world in a certain way, that perception might not always align with the facts or the broader reality.

The phrase "Your perception is your reality" reminds us that people's actions, decisions, and emotions are often guided by their personal interpretations of events. This concept is important to consider when communicating, problem-solving, and making decisions, as it highlights the need for empathy, open-mindedness, and a willingness to consider alternative perspectives.

Políticas Públicas UFABC | Neuroscience Centers

Neuroscience Centers

Despertar da Florestania | Despertar da Florestania

Despertar da Florestania

Amazônia, o Despertar da Florestania | Despertar da Florestania

Despertar da Florestania

Daniel Kahneman | Jackson Cionek 

Sua Percepção é Sua Realidade - Aprenda a mudar sua Percepção 

Sua percepção possui 5 variáveis fundamentais:

1 - Conectoma Cerebral;

2 - Nível de atividade de seus 11 sentidos;

3 - Memórias pré-ativadas;

4 - O nível de atenção;

5 - O estímulo apresentado;


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00:00:00 - 11:57:00

Neuroscience Centers


11:57:00 - 15:14:00

Despertar da Florestania


15:14:00 - 17:13:00

Despertar da Florestania


17:13:00 - 23:59:00

Sua Perecepção é Sua Realidade - Aprenda a mudar sua PercepçãoSua percepção possui 5 variáveis fundamentais:1 - Conectoma Cerebral;2 - Nível de atividade de seus 11 sentidos;3 - Memórias pre-ativadas;4 - O nível de atenção;5 - O estímulo apresentado;Veja os links abaixo:Pós Verdade e a Morte de Deus OriginalEstado Responsável Laico Democrático e de DireitoDeus a Verdade está entre nós - Nunca em nósReligare Politics and NeuroscienceConsciousness in First-PersonSer Humano é Ser Racional?Deus Laico Democrático e de DireitoConsciência no Corpo, Alma e Espírito sem Vida após a MortePerda da Soberania Nacional

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Jackson Cionek

New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma | Brain States