Jackson Cionek

Physiology and Behavior, Neuroscience Centers research on NIRS and behavior - Microbiota and the Brain, Estresse e Neuroimunologia, Gut and Brain

Physiology and Behavior, Neuroscience Centers research on NIRS and behavior - Microbiota and the Brain, Estresse e Neuroimunologia, Gut and Brain 

Physiology and Behavior Microbiota and the Brain
Physiology and Behavior Microbiota and the Brain

The relationships between microbiota and the brain, stress and neuroimmunology, and the gut and brain have garnered significant attention in neuroscience and medical research. These areas of investigation explore the bidirectional communication between the gut and the brain, highlighting the influence of the gut microbiota on brain function and behavior, as well as the impact of stress and neuroimmunological processes on the gut-brain axis.


The gut microbiota refers to the trillions of microorganisms residing in the gastrointestinal tract. Emerging research has demonstrated that the composition and activity of the gut microbiota can influence brain function and behavior through various pathways, including the production of neurotransmitters, immune system modulation, and metabolic interactions.

Studies have shown that alterations in the gut microbiota composition, referred to as dysbiosis, have been associated with psychiatric and neurological disorders such as depression, anxiety, autism spectrum disorders, and Parkinson's disease. Animal models and human studies have revealed that manipulating the gut microbiota through probiotics, prebiotics, or fecal microbiota transplantation can modulate behavior, brain function, and even alleviate symptoms of certain psychiatric disorders.


Stress is known to have a significant impact on both the immune system and the brain. Chronic stress can lead to dysregulation of the immune system and contribute to the development or exacerbation of various neurological and psychiatric disorders.

Stress activates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, resulting in the release of stress hormones such as cortisol. These hormones can modulate the immune response and affect the communication between the immune system and the brain. Dysregulation of this stress response system and prolonged activation of the HPA axis have been implicated in the development of stress-related disorders, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


Neuroimmunology focuses on the interactions between the immune system and the nervous system. Immune cells and molecules can communicate with the brain through various pathways, including cytokines, chemokines, and neural pathways. Neuroinflammation, which is characterized by the activation of immune cells in the brain, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several neurological and psychiatric disorders.


The gut-brain axis represents the bidirectional communication network between the gastrointestinal system and the central nervous system. This communication occurs through neural, endocrine, and immune pathways. The gut microbiota, gut hormones, and gut epithelial barrier integrity play crucial roles in this communication.

Research has shown that the gut microbiota can influence brain function and behavior, including mood, cognition, and stress responses. Microbial metabolites and signaling molecules produced by the gut microbiota can directly or indirectly affect neurotransmitter systems and neural pathways involved in emotion regulation and cognitive processes.


Moreover, disturbances in gut barrier function, allowing the translocation of microbial products or toxins into the bloodstream, have been implicated in the development of neuroinflammation and neurological disorders.


The field of research exploring these relationships is rapidly expanding, and ongoing studies aim to further elucidate the mechanisms and therapeutic potential of targeting the gut-brain axis. Understanding the interplay between the gut, microbiota, stress, neuroimmunology, and the brain holds promise for developing novel therapeutic strategies for psychiatric and neurological disorders.


Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a non-invasive neuroimaging technique that measures changes in blood oxygenation and blood volume in the brain. It utilizes near-infrared light to penetrate the skull and interact with hemoglobin in the blood, allowing researchers to monitor brain activity in real time.


NIRS has been widely used in the field of neuroscience to investigate the relationship between brain function and behavior. It offers several advantages over other neuroimaging techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron emission tomography (PET), including portability, affordability, and the ability to measure brain activity during naturalistic settings and in populations that may have difficulty with traditional imaging techniques (e.g., infants, children, and individuals with movement disorders).


Research utilizing NIRS has explored various aspects of human behavior and cognition. Some key areas of investigation include:


Cognitive Processes: NIRS has been used to study cognitive processes such as attention, memory, decision-making, and problem-solving. By monitoring changes in brain activity in specific regions, researchers can gain insights into the underlying neural mechanisms involved in these cognitive functions.


Emotional Processing: NIRS has provided valuable insights into the neural correlates of emotional processing. It has been used to investigate the brain regions involved in emotional responses, empathy, emotional regulation, and the impact of emotions on decision-making.


Social Interaction: NIRS has been utilized to study social interaction and communication. It has shed light on brain activity during face perception, theory of mind, social cognition, and interpersonal neural synchronization, providing a better understanding of how the brain processes social information.


Developmental Studies: NIRS has been particularly useful in studying brain development in infants and children. It has helped researchers explore various aspects of cognitive and social development, including language acquisition, object recognition, and the emergence of social skills.


Clinical Applications: NIRS has shown promise in clinical settings, allowing researchers to investigate brain activity in individuals with neurological and psychiatric disorders. It has been used to study conditions such as autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, and schizophrenia, aiding in the understanding of the underlying neurobiology and potential biomarkers.


Neuroscience centers and research institutions worldwide have been actively employing NIRS in their studies to advance our understanding of brain-behavior relationships. These centers often utilize a multidisciplinary approach, combining NIRS with other techniques such as EEG (electroencephalography) and eye-tracking to gain a comprehensive understanding of brain function.


It's worth noting that the field of neuroscience is constantly evolving, and new research using NIRS and its applications to behavior continue to emerge. It's always beneficial to refer to recent scientific literature and specific research centers for the most up-to-date information on this topic.


NIRS fNIRS course ICe - UFRN | Neuroscience Centers


NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs Functional optical neuroimaging (fNIRS)NIRS fNIRS devices - Near Infrared Spectroscopy - NIRS Brain Latam NIRSLatam NIRS - Neuroimagen óptica functional (fNIRS)NIRS Research Field |  NIRS Neurodesenvolvimento NIRS Neurociencia Social y CognitivaNIRS Análisis de Datos | NIRS Aplicações ClínicasFunctional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)NIRS infrared spectroscopy | NIRS and neuroscienceNIRS and Music | NIRS Brain imaging fNIRSBCI NIRS | EEG fNIRS | Infants NIRS StudiesEEG fNIRS Combined | Consciousness Neuroscience BehaviorNIRS Publications before 2022

NIRS and behavior | Physiology and Behavior

Physiology and Behavior

Physiology and Behavior 1 | Physiology and Behavior

Estresse e Neuroimunologia | Physiology and Behavior

Physiology and Behavior

Gut and Brain | Brain Gut Axis

A consciência é um movimento que se perceber ser. Este movimiento incluye material y energía que proviene de nuestros intestinos.

Microbiota and the Brain | Brain Gut Axis 



06:35:00 - 13:11:00

NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs Functional optical neuroimaging (fNIRS)NIRS fNIRS devices - Near Infrared Spectroscopy - NIRS Brain Latam NIRSLatam NIRS - Neuroimagem óptica funcional (fNIRS)NIRS Research Field |  NIRS NeurodesenvolvimentoNIRS Neurociencia Social y CognitivaNIRS Análisis de Datos | NIRS Aplicações ClínicasFunctional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)NIRS infrared spectroscopy | NIRS and neuroscienceNIRS and Music | NIRS Brain imaging fNIRSBCI NIRS | EEG fNIRS | Infants NIRS StudiesEEG fNIRS Combined | Consciousness Neuroscience BehaviorNIRS Publications before 2022


00:00:00 - 06:35:00

Neuroscience Centers


13:11:00 - 14:32:00

Physiology and Behavior


14:32:00 - 15:07:00

Physiology and Behavior


15:07:00 - 16:56:00

Physiology and Behavior


16:56:00 - 20:08:00

Physiology and Behavior


20:08:00 - 22:02:00

A consciência é um movimento que se perceber ser.Este movimiento incluye material y energía que proviene de nuestros intestinos.


22:02:00 - 23:59:00

A consciência é um movimento que se perceber ser.Este movimiento incluye material y energía que proviene de nuestros intestinos.

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Jackson Cionek

New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma | Brain States