
NIRS fNIRS Publication

NIRS fNIRS Publication


Cerebral Hemodynamics and Microvasculature Changes in Relation to White Matter Microstructure After Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: An A-CAP Pilot Study NIRScout, DTI/MRI Neurotrauma Reports

Wearable, high-density fNIRS and diffuse optical tomography technologies: a perspective
NIRScout 8x8, flat optodes

Two independent response mechanisms to auditory stimuli measured with fNIRS in sleeping infants
NIRScout 8x8, flat optodes Research Square Preprints

Two independent response mechanisms to auditory stimuli measured with fNIRS in sleeping infants
NIRScout, 36 channels Research Square

Connections between spatially distant primary language regions strengthen with age during infancy, as revealed by resting-state
fNIRS NIRScout Journal of Neural Engineering-

The Use of Heart Rate Responses Extracted From Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Data as a Measure of Speech Discrimination Ability in Sleeping Infants NIRScout 8x8 Ear and Hearing

Cortical haemodynamic responses predict individual ability to recognise vocal emotions with uninformative pitch cues but do not distinguish different emotions NIRScout 24x32 SDD Human Brain Mapping

investigating the Effect of Data Length on the Performance of Frequency-Domain fNIRS Functional Connectivity Measures
NIRScout 8x8 

Aesthetic evaluation of body movements shaped by embodiment and arts experience: Insights from behaviour and fNIRS
NIRScout 24x32 LED / APD and also NIRScout 18x16 with SDD. Analysed with MNE

Sensorimotor cortex activity during basketball dribbling and its relation to creativity
NIRSport2 8x8 and SDDs Plos one

Visualizing the Invisible Tie: Linking Parent-Child Neural Synchrony to Parents’ and Children’s Attachment Representations
NIRScout 16x16

Subject Dependent Cognitive Load Level Classification from fNIRS Signal Using Support Vector Machine
NIRScout 16x16
Proceedings of International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Development

Test-retest reliability of functional near-infrared spectroscopy during a finger-tapping and postural task in healthy older adults
NIRSport2 16x16, SDDs, fOLD Neurophotonics

Functional connectivity response to acute pain assessed by fNIRS is associated with BDNF genotype in fibromyalgia: an exploratory study
NIRScout 4x14 Scientific Reports

Revealing the spatiotemporal requirements for accurate subject identification with resting-state functional connectivity: a simultaneous fNIRS-fMRI study
NIRScout 16x32, Fastrack, Polhemus, fMRI 3T scan - 32-channel head coil Neurophotonics

Quantification of the Tissue Oxygenation Delay Induced by Breath-Holding in Patients with Carotid Atherosclerosis
NIRScout 14x30 Metabolites

A Novel Exploratory Graph-Based Analytical Tool for Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Naturalistic Experiments: An Illustrative Application in Typically Developing Children
NIRSport 8x7 with Short channels Brain Sciences

Three-dimensional cranial ultrasound and functional near infrared spectroscopy for bedside monitoring of intraventricular haemorrhage in preterm neonates
They say NIRSport2 8x8 at 22mm distance. Ultrasound following fNIRS measurement. QT-NIRS medRxiv

NIRS Studies Show Reduced Interhemispheric Functional Connectivity in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis That Exhibit Cortical Hypoxia
NIRScout 16x16 and OxiplexTS from ISS Oxygen Transport to Tissue XLIII

Brightening the Study of Listening Effort with Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy: A Scoping Review
- Seminars in Hearing

Babies, bugs and brains: How the early microbiome associates with infant brain and behavior development
fNIRS on one group (20% dropout), Electrical Geodesic EEG on another group (40% dropout). PLoS One

Premotor and Posterior Parietal Cortex Activity is Increased for Slow, as well as Fast Walking Poststroke: An fNIRS Study
NIRSport2 16x23(?), SDD Neural Plasticity

A Characterization of Brain Area Activation in Orienteers with Different Map-Recognition Memory Ability Task Levels—Based on fNIRS Evidence
NIRSport2 13x8 PFC, FASTRAK for 3D digitizer Brain Sciences

Functional near-infrared spectroscopy measures of frontal hemodynamic responses in Parkinson's patients and controls performing the Timed-Up-and-Go test
NIRSport2 16x16 Behavioural Brain Research

Neurocomputational mechanisms of young children’s observational learning of delayed gratification
NIRSport2 Cerebral Cortex

Oxytocin enhances pleasantness and neural responses to CT-fiber-mediated social touch via increased peripheral concentrations NIRSport2 12x13, NIRS-KIT for analysis, also skin conductance, ECG, blood samples medRxiv

Differences in right hemisphere fNIRS activation associated with executive network during performance of the lateralized attention network tast by elite, expert and novice ice hockey athletes
NIRSport (didn’t identify which version) 8x8 Behavioural Brain Research

Neural correlates of bribe-taking decision dilemma: An fNIRS study
NIRScout 10x11 Brain and Cognition.

Effects of high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over the contralesional motor cortex on motor recovery in severe hemiplegic stroke: A randomized clinical trial
fNIRS in M1 + TMS Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine

Incorporation of seafarer psychological factors into maritime safety assessment
NIRSport 8x8 Ocean & Coastal Management

Effects of combined physical and cognitive training on executive function of adolescent shooting athletes: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study
NIRSport1 8x8 Sports Medicine and Health Science

The When, Where, and How of Chinese Morphological Processing in the Human Brain: Evidence from EEG-fNIRS
NIRScout 8x8, EEG The When, Where, and How of Chinese Morphological Processing in the Human Brain: Evidence from EEG-fNIRS (Doctoral dissertation, University of Macau).

Differential auditory cortical development in left and right cochlear implanted children
Users in: China NIRSport2 4x4 Cerebral Cortex

Multimodal motor imagery decoding method based on temporal spatial feature alignment and fusion
NIRSport 16x16, Brain Products LiveAMP Journal of Neural Engineering

Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Evidence of Prefrontal Regulation of Cognitive Flexibility in Adults With ADHD
NIRScout 8x7, Polhemus Journal of Attention Disorders

Evaluation of residual cognition in patients with disorders of consciousness based on functional near-infrared spectroscopy
NIRScout 16x16 Neurophotonics

Development of A Hybrid Mini-Grid sEMG, NIRS and MMG Sensor System for Human-Machine Interaction
DIY and NIRScout comparison 2021 27th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice (M2VIP)

A brief real-time fNIRS-informed neurofeedback training of the prefrontal cortex changes brain activity and connectivity during subsequent working memory challenge
NIRSport 8x8 bioRxiv

The Neural Mechanism of Communication Between Graduate Students and Advisers in Different Adviser-advisee Relationships
NIRScout 8x7 Preprint

Friction and Neuroimaging of Active and Passive Tactile Touch
NIRSport2 8x7 preprint

Mapping the neural mechanisms of creativity by convergent and divergent thinking in school-aged children: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study
NIRSport 16x16 Thinking Skills and Creativity

Word structure tunes electrophysiological and hemodynamic responses in the frontal cortex
NIRScout 8x8, Brain Products 32 Bioengineering

How our hearts beat together: a study on physiological synchronization based on a self-paced joint motor task
NSP1 Scientific Reports

Hybrid EEG-fNIRS Brain Computer Interface based on Common Spatial Pattern by using EEG-informed General Linear Model
NIRScout 14x16 and BrainAmp 30 channel IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

Effects of different exercise patterns on drug craving in female methamphetamine- dependent patients: Evidence from behavior and fNIRS
NIRScout 8x7 Mental Health and Physical Activity

Applying functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) in educational research: a systematic review
Mixed Current Psychology

fNIRS Monitoring During Carotid Artery Stenting for Outcomes Prediction

Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy-Based Evidence of the Cerebral Oxygenation and Network Characteristics of Upper Limb Fatigue NIRscout 16x16 Bioengineering

The increased inter-brain neural synchronization in prefrontal cortex between simulated patient and acupuncturist during acupuncture stimulation: Evidence from functional near-infrared spectroscopy hyperscanning
NIRScout Human Brain Mapping

Decreased inter-brain synchronization in the right middle frontal cortex in alcohol use disorder during social interaction: An fNIRS hyperscanning study
NIRSport2 Journal of Affective Disorders

Interpersonal Competition in Elderly Couples: A Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Hyperscanning Study
NIRScout Brain Sciences

Gender differences in cognitive and affective interpersonal emotion regulation in couples: an fNIRS hyperscanning
NIRScout Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience

Cocktail party training induces increased speech intelligibility and decreased cortical activity in bilateral inferior frontal gyri. A functional near-infrared study
NIRScout 15x23 Plos one

Between-sessions test-retest reliability of prefrontal cortical activity during usual walking in patients with Parkinson’s Disease: A fNIRS study
NIRSport 1 8x6 Gait & Posture

Six-month-old infants' perception of structural regularities in speech
NIRScout 8x16 Cognition

Functional near-infrared spectroscopy-based neurofeedback training induces changes in cortico-striatal functional connectivity
A proof of concept study NIRScout XP, NIRSport1, MRI 3T

Congruence-based contextual plausibility modulates cortical activity during vibrotactile perception in virtual multisensory environments
NIRSport2 14x15 no SDD Communications Biology

Trigeminal stimulation is required for neural representations of bimodal odor localization: A time-resolved multivariate EEG and fNIRS study
NIRSport 8x6, short distance detectors, EEG 64 Acticap NeuroImage

Soft shoulder massage amplifies glucose-induced increases in medial prefrontal activity: a pilot study employing a neurovisceral integration perspective
NIRSport2 8x8, Satori Psychological Research of Early Career Scientists

Associations between gait performance and pain intensity, psychosocial factors, executive functions as well as prefrontal cortex activity in chronic low back pain patients: A cross-sectional fNIRS study
NIRSport 88 Frontiers in Medicine

You can touch this! Brain correlates of aesthetic processing of active fingertip exploration of material surfaces
NIRScout 16x16 Neuropsychologia

Assessing the development of mental fatigue during simulated flights with concurrent EEG-fNIRS measurement
NIRSport2 8x7 and SDD, and LiveAmp-32 EEG Scientific Reports

Inefficient frontal and parietal brain activation during dual-task walking in a virtual environment in older adults
2 NIRSports for a 16x16 config NeuroImage

Towards User-Aware VR Learning Environments: Combining Brain-Computer Interfaces with Virtual Reality for Mental State Decoding
NIRSport Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Cortical haemodynamic responses predict individual ability to recognise vocal emotions with uninformative pitch cues but do not distinguish different emotions

Increased Cortical Activity in Novices Compared to Experts During Table Tennis: A Whole-Brain fNIRS Study Using Threshold-Free Cluster Enhancement Analysis NIRSport2 32x32, LED and APD, SDDs Brain Topography

Associations between gait performance and pain intensity, psychosocial factors, executive functions as well as prefrontal cortex activity in chronic low back pain patients: A cross-sectional fNIRS study
NIRSport 8x8 + SDD Frontiers in Medicine

Effects of Maternal Gaze on Infant Brain Activity and Word Segmentation
NIRSport 2.1 8x8 Preprint

Decoding Mental Effort in a Quasi-Realistic Scenario: A Feasibility Study on Multimodal Data Fusion and Classification
NIRSport2 14x14, Tobii, iMotions, BioHarness™ Preprint

What happens in the prefrontal cortex? Cognitive processing of novel and familiar stimuli in soccer: An exploratory fNIRS study
NIRSport1 in motion with the headband! European Journal of Sport Science

Neural correlates of valence-dependent belief and value updating during uncertainty reduction: An fNIRS study
Two NIRSport1 16x16 NeuroImage

Accuracy of tissue oxygen saturation measurement with multidistance CW fNIRS: a phantom study
NIRSport2 16x16 Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy and Imaging IX

Evaluating Flood-Related Decision-Making and the Role of Information Technologies
NIRSport2, Tobii Research Proposal for a Conference Paper ISCRAM

Autistic traits modulate social synchronizations between school-aged children: insights from three fNIRS hyperscanning experiments
NIRScout Preprint

Real time detection of cognitive load using fNIRS: A deep learning approach
NIRScout 14x16 Biomedical Signal Processing and Control

A novel deep learning classifier and genetic algorithm based feature selection for hybrid EEG-FNIRS brain-computer interface
NIRScout 12x12, BrainAmp NeuroQuantology

Non-invasive assessment of cerebral hemoglobin parameters in intracranial dural arteriovenous fistula using functional near-infrared spectroscopy—A feasibility study
NIRSport1, NIRSLab and NIRSTIM 4.0 Frontiers in Neuroscience

Prefrontal oxygenation and working memory in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus following integrated yoga: a randomized controlled trial
NIRScout 7x8 Acta Diabetologica

New Framework for Understanding Cross-Brain Coherence in Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) Hyperscanning Studies
NIRScout ResearchGate

Effect of Single Session of Anodal M1 Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation—TDCS—On Cortical Hemodynamic Activity: A Pilot Study in Fibromyalgia
NIRSport Brain Sciences

Reproducibility of infant fNIRS studies: a meta-analytic approach
Various (Hitachi, NIRScout) Neurophotonics

Hemodynamic and Electrophysiological Biomarkers of Interpersonal Tuning during Interoceptive Synchronization
NIRScout 4x4 and 2 V-AMP Brain Producs Information

A Potential Biomarker of Brain Activity in Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Pilot fNIRS Study in Female Preschoolers
NIRSport2 8x8 Brain Sciences

Don’t plan, just do it: Cognitive and sensorimotor contributions to manual dexterity
NIRSport2 16x16 with SDD NeuroImage

Effects of movement congruence on motor resonance in early Parkinson’s disease
NIRSport1 8x8, Micromed EEG Scientific Reports

Working Memory in Patients with Varying Degree of Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE): A Pilot EEG-fNIRS Study
NIRScout 8x7, EEG Brain Quick, EOG, HR Neurochemical Research

Performance Assessment of Heartbeat Detection Algorithms on Photoplethysmograph and Functional NearInfrared Spectroscopy Signals
NIRSport Sensors

Preliminary Investigation of the Association Between Driving Pleasure and Brain Activity with Mapper-based Topological Data Analysis
NIRSport2 16x16 with 16 SDD International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research

A Case Report of a Patient with Parkinson’s Disease Treated with Acupuncture and Exercise Therapy
NIRScout 16x16 The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine

Electric field enhancement of coupled plasmonic nanostructures for optical amplification
NIRScout X 8x4 PhotoniX

Effects of Training with a Powered Exoskeleton on Cortical Activity Modulation in Hemiparetic Chronic Stroke Patients: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial
NIRScout 8x4 Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Development of immersive virtual reality-based hand rehabilitation system using a gesture-controlled rhythm game with vibrotactile feedback: an fNIRS pilot study
NIRSport2 16x16 IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering

Cortical activity and spatiotemporal parameters during gait termination and walking: A preliminary study
NIRSport2 8x8 Behavioural Brain Research

Hemodynamic Response Asymmetry of the Prefrontal Cortex during a Cognitive Load Tasks
NIRSport 16x16 2022 International Conference on Future Trends in Smart Communities (ICFTSC)

Usability Evaluation of BCI Software Applications: A systematic review of the literature
NIRSport2 Neuropho-tonics

Single-leg stance on a challenging surface can enhance cortical activation in the right hemisphere – A case study
Mobile NIRSport2 16x16 Heliyon

Multimodal assessment of the spatial correspondence between fNIRS and fMRI hemodynamic responses in motor tasks
NIRSport2 1616 Sci Rep

Effects of Selection of the Learning Set Formation Strategy and Filtration Method on the Effectiveness of a BCI Based on Near Infrared Spectrometry
NIRScout 8x16 Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology

Synchronizing Motor Imagery Cue in fNIRS Brain-Computer Interface to reduce confounding effects of respiration
NIRSport2 8x8, also collected EEG but they didn’t use the data for this paper.

Dataset of parent-child hyperscanning functional near-infrared spectroscopy recordings
NIRSport2 Scientific Data

Parent-Child Dyads with Greater Parenting Stress Exhibit Less Synchrony in Posterior Areas and More Synchrony in Frontal Areas of the Prefrontal Cortex During Shared Play
NIRSport 8x8 Social Neuroscience

Utilizing EEG and fNIRS for the detection of sleep-deprivation-induced fatigue and its inhibition using colored light stimulation
ActiCap 32 BP , NIRScout 8x7, ECG for HR Scientific Reports

Decision-making and frontoparietal resting-state functional connectivity among impulsive-compulsive diagnoses. Insights from a Bayesian approach
NIRSport 8x8 (2) Addictive Behaviors

Prosodic cues enhance infants' sensitivity to nonadjacent regularities
NIRScout 8x8 Science Advances

Using functional near‐infrared spectroscopy to measure prefrontal cortex activity during dual‐task walking and navigated walking: A feasibility study
NIRSport2 8x8 Brain and Behavior

Cross-Frequency Coupling Between Brain and Body Biosignals: A Systemic Physiology Augmented Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Hyperscanning Study
SPA-fNIRS Oxygen Transport to Tissue XLIII

Machine Learning Distinguishes Familiar from Unfamiliar Pairs of Subjects Performing an Eye Contact Task: A Systemic Physiology Augmented Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Hyperscanning Study
NIRSport, SOMNO touch for blood pressure, Empatica wristbands for temperature and electrodermal activity, Oxygen Transport to Tissue XLIII

Multiarea Brain Activation and Gait Deterioration During a Cognitive and Motor Dual Task in Individuals With Parkinson Disease
NIRSport 8x8 with backpack, MRI was used for channel positions Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy

The Effect of Vestibular Stimulations on Virtual Reality Based Bodily Self Consciousness
NIRSport -

Nested and robust modeling techniques for fNIRS data with demographics and experiment related factors in n-back task
NIRScout 16x16 Neuroscience Research

fNIRS Shows that Object Relative Clauses are More Difficult to Process than Subject Relative Clauses in Turkish
NIRSport1 8x8 Authorea Preprints

Emotion Regulation Skills Affect Working Memory Performance: a Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (Fnirs) Study
NIRScout 8x16 Research Square

Depression affects working memory performance: A Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) Study
NIRScout 8x7 Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging

Diagnostic Machine Learning Approaches on Clinical Populations and Clinical Conditions using Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy : A Review
NIRScout medRxiv

Hybrid statistical and machine learning modeling of cognitive neuroscience data
NIRScout, configuration seems like 18x18 but unsure Journal of Applied Statistics

Mental Stress Assessment Using fNIRS and LSTM
NIRSport2 8x7 2022 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)

Are advanced methods necessary to improve infant fNIRS data analysis? An assessment of baseline-corrected averaging, general linear model (GLM) and multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) based approaches
NIRScout 8x8 at 2.5 cm Neuroimage

Towards objective human performance measurement for maritime safety: A new psychophysiological data-driven machine learning method
NIRSport 8x8 on PFC Reliability Engineering & System Safety

A promising tool to explore functional impairment in neurodegeneration: A systematic review of near-infrared spectroscopy in dementia
NIRScouts Ageing Research Reviews

How Do Drivers Perceive Risks During Automated Driving Scenarios? An fNIRS Neuroimaging Study
NSP1 8x7 Human Factors

Pesticide exposure and cortical brain activation among farmworkers in Costa Rica
NIRSport 8x8 Neurotoxicology

The Effect of Contextually Specific, Action-Based Timing Behavior on Human Brain Responses
NIRScout 16x20 and EEG ANT-Neuro 32 electrode cap The Effect of Contextually Specific, Action-Based Timing Behavior on Human Brain Responses

Resting-state functional near-infrared spectroscopy: analytical challenges
NIRScout 16x13 Resting-state functional near-infrared spectroscopy: analytical challenges

Covariate-guided Bayesian mixture model for multivariate time series
NIRScout 8x4 arXiv preprint arXiv

Prefrontal Activation During Inhibition of a Balance Recovery Step
NIRSport2 8x7 plus SDD PhD Thesis

Evaluating the neural underpinnings of motivation for walking exercise
NIRSport2 16x16, SDD bioRxiv

NIRSport New research paper proposal

Controlling Jaw-Related Motion Artifacts in Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
NIRScout 16x20 SDD Journal of Neuroscience Methods

Priming Activity to Increase Interpersonal Closeness, Inter-brain Coherence, and Team Creativity Outcome
NIRSport2 64x64 ResearchGate

Brain space image reconstruction of functional near-infrared spectroscopy using a Bayesian adaptive fused sparse overlapping group lasso model
NIRScout2 but I think they mean NIRSport (because they use Aurora). 30x31 and SDD Neurophotonics

Investigation of the Performance of fNIRS-based BCIs for Assistive Systems in the Presence of Acute Pain
NIRScout 16x24 Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology: Innovations in Big Data Processing

A Neuroscience Approach to Women Entrepreneurs' Pitch Performance: Impact of Inter-Brain Synchrony on Investment Decisions
NIRSport2 64x64 divided across participants, 16 SDD each New research proposal

Comparison of brain activation and functional outcomes between physical and virtual reality box and block test: a case study
NIRSport2 8x8, VR Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology

Aberrant brain network and eye gaze patterns during natural social interaction predict multi-domain social-cognitive behaviors in girls with fragile X syndrome
NIRScout 48 channels with combined eye tracking Molecular Psychiatry

Expressing appreciation is linked to interpersonal closeness and inter-brain coherence, both in person and over Zoom
NIRSport2 32x32 total, 16x16 each Cerebral Cortex

Analysis of the Impact of the Presence of Physical Pain in fNIRS-based BCI Systems
NIRScout 16x24 2022 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB)

Functional near-infrared spectroscopy is a sensitive marker of neurophysiological deficits on executive function tasks in young adults with a history of child abuse
NIRScout 8x4 Applied Neuropsychology

Clenching-Related Motion Artifacts in Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in the Auditory Cortex
NIRScout 20x16 2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC)

Specialization of the brain for language in children with Fragile X Syndrome: A functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy study
NIRScout 8x8 Preprint

Prefrontal activation in preschool children is associated with maternal adversity and child temperament: A preliminary fNIRS study of inhibitory control
NIRScout 16x16 Developmental Psychobiology

Development of a dynamic phantom for near infra-red optical and computed tomographic brain imaging
NIRSport2 8x8 Medical Imaging 2023: Physics of Medical Imaging

Capturing the Dynamics of Trust and Team Processes in Human-Human-Agent Teams via Multidimensional Neural Recurrence Analyses
NIRSport2 16x16 Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction

Sensitivity of functional near-infrared spectroscopy to optical properties in brain imaging
NIRSport2 Multiscale Imaging and Spectroscopy IV

Multiple levels of contextual influence on action-based timing behavior and cortical activation
NIRScout 16x 20 APD , finger tapping Scientific Reports

Changes in functional neuroimaging measures as novices gain proficiency on the fundamentals of laparoscopic surgery suturing task
NIRSport2 16x16 plus 8 SDD Neurophotonics

Functional near infrared spectroscopy detects cortical activation changes concurrent with memory loss in postmenopausal women with Type II Diabetes
NIRScout 16x16 Experimental Brain Research

A scoping review of the use of lab streaming layer framework in virtual and augmented reality research
NIRScout, Ant, Biosemi, Brain Products Virtual Reality

Short-separation regression incorporated diffuse optical tomography image reconstruction modeling for high-density functional near-infrared spectroscopy
NIRSport2 16x16 Neurophotonics

Diffuse Optical Tomography Spatial Prior for EEG Source Localization in Human Visual Cortex
NIRSport2 24x21 , EEG with BioSemi NeuroImage

Physiological Correlates of Objective Situation Awareness Measurements
NIRSport2 8x7 with SDD. Also EEG, ECG, eye-tracking, heart rate, EDA, respiration, and in-task behavioral, measures were collected. 2023 IEEE Aerospace Conference

Working and short-term memory in children with ADHD: an examination of prefrontal cortical functioning using functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS)
NIRSport1 8x8 Child Neuropsychology

Exploratory tNIRS Assessment of Cortical Activation during a Novel Virtual Reality Object Orientation Memory Task
NIRScout 8x8, VR 2023 11th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER)

Cross-modal plasticity in children with cochlear implant: converging evidence from EEG and fNIRS
NIRScout 39x31?, MagstimEGI 128 channels

Differential Corticospinal Excitability and Cortical Functional Connectivity Modulation by Spinal Cord Transcutaneous Stimulationbased Motor Training versus Motor Training alone in Able-bodied and SCI participants: A Multiple Case Study
NIRSport2 8x8

Low Motor Dexterity and Significant Behaviors Following Hospitalized Isolation in Children
NIRSport2 8x8 Children

Context-aware Multimodal Auditory BCI Classification through Graph Neural Networks
NIRScout 7x8 and g.tec

Evaluating Dual Task Neurological Costs with Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy: A Preliminary Report in Healthy Athletes
NIRSport2 16x16 (15x15 with SDD) Journal of Integrative Neuroscience

Motivation-related influences on fNIRS signals during walking exercise: a permutation entropy approach
NIRSport2 with SDD Experimental Brain Research

Feasibility of Acquiring Neuroimaging Data from Adults with Acquired Brain Injuries before and after a Yoga Intervention
NIRSport2 16x16, rs-fMRI Brain Sciences

Stringesthesia: Dynamically Shifting Musical Agency Between Audience and Performer Based on Trust in an Interactive and Improvised Performance
NIRSport 16x16 Proceedings of the 18th International Audio Mostly Conference

Investigating the Neural Correlates of Empathy in Couples’ Communication
NIRScout 16x16 hyperscanning Investigating the Neural Correlates of Empathy in Couples’ Communication

Towards Brain Metrics for Improving Multi-Agent Adaptive Human-Robot Collaboration: A Preliminary Study
NIRScout 16x14 hyperscanning, each participant had 8x7 2022 Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction for Work

Comparison of virtual reality to physical box and blocks on cortical an neuromuscualar activations in young adults
NIRSport2 8x7, SDD and EMG on upper arms Scientific Reports

Category Learning DLPFC Single-Dissociation by fNIRS
NIRScout and Short channels 

#eegmicrostates #neurogliainteractions #eegmicrostates #eegnirsapplications #physiologyandbehavior #neurophilosophy #translationalneuroscience #bienestarwellnessbemestar #neuropolitics #sentienceconsciousness #metacognitionmindsetpremeditation #culturalneuroscience #agingmaturityinnocence #affectivecomputing #languageprocessing #humanking #fruición #wellbeing #neurophilosophy #neurorights #neuropolitics #neuroeconomics #neuromarketing #translationalneuroscience #religare #physiologyandbehavior #skill-implicit-learning #semiotics #encodingofwords #metacognitionmindsetpremeditation #affectivecomputing #meaning #semioticsofaction #mineraçãodedados #soberanianational #mercenáriosdamonetização
Author image

Jackson Cionek

New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma | Brain States