Jackson Cionek

Neuroscience 2023 EEG Theme ideas for workshops and conferences

Neuroscience 2023 EEG Theme ideas for workshops and conferences

Neuroscience 2023 Washington DC
Neuroscience 2023 Washington DC

Advances in Mobile EEG and Real-World Brain Monitoring:
Explore the latest developments in wearable EEG technology and the use of mobile systems for capturing brain activity in naturalistic settings.

Neural Correlates of Social Interaction and Communication:
Focus on EEG studies investigating brain activity during social interactions, communication, empathy, and theory of mind.

Brain-Computer Interfaces Beyond the Lab: Challenges and Opportunities:
Discuss the current state and future directions of BCIs in real-world scenarios, including challenges, ethical considerations, and innovative applications.

Neurofeedback and Cognitive Training: From Research to Applications:
Highlight research findings and practical applications of neurofeedback and cognitive training using EEG for enhancing cognitive functions and mental health.

EEG Biomarkers for Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders:
Explore the potential of EEG-based biomarkers for diagnosing and monitoring conditions such as epilepsy, depression, ADHD, and more.

Neurocognitive Processes in Virtual Reality Environments:
Investigate how EEG can be used to study brain responses during immersive virtual reality experiences and its implications for cognitive neuroscience.

EEG and Neuromodulation Techniques for Brain Enhancement:
Discuss the integration of EEG with neuromodulation techniques like transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) for cognitive enhancement.

Neuroscience of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms: Insights from EEG:
Focus on EEG-based studies of sleep stages, sleep disorders, and the impact of circadian rhythms on brain activity and cognitive function.

EEG Data Analytics and Machine Learning in Neuroimaging:
Cover the latest methods in EEG data preprocessing, feature extraction, and machine learning for pattern recognition and classification.

Neural Dynamics of Attention and Decision-Making: Insights from EEG:
Explore how EEG can provide insights into the neural mechanisms underlying attentional processes, perception, and decision-making.

EEG and Neuroplasticity: Harnessing Brain Activity for Rehabilitation:
Discuss how EEG can be used to understand neuroplasticity and design effective interventions for neurorehabilitation after brain injuries.

Brainwave Synchronization in Group Interactions and Collective Behavior:
Investigate EEG studies on brainwave synchronization during group activities, teamwork, and collective decision-making.

EEG Mobile Brain Imaging – Applications and Limitations:
EEG (Electroencephalography) is a non-invasive neuroimaging technique that measures the electrical activity of the brain through electrodes placed on the scalp. Mobile EEG refers to the use of portable and wireless EEG systems that allow researchers and clinicians to record brain activity outside of traditional laboratory settings. Here are some applications and limitations of mobile EEG:

Neuroresearch: Mobile EEG enables researchers to study brain activity in naturalistic environments, providing insights into real-world cognitive and emotional processes. It's used to study brain responses during tasks such as driving, sports, and social interactions.

Clinical Assessment: Mobile EEG can be used for diagnosing and monitoring various neurological and psychiatric conditions such as epilepsy, sleep disorders, ADHD, and mood disorders. It allows for more ecologically valid assessments compared to lab-based EEG.

Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs): Mobile EEG can be integrated into BCIs, enabling individuals with motor impairments to control devices or communicate by modulating their brain activity patterns.

Neurofeedback and Cognitive Training: Mobile EEG can provide real-time feedback on brain activity, helping individuals learn to regulate their brain states for therapeutic purposes. It's used in interventions for anxiety, attention disorders, and performance optimization.

Sports and Performance: Athletes use mobile EEG to monitor and optimize their cognitive and emotional states during training and competition. It's used to enhance focus, relaxation, and overall performance.

Human-Computer Interaction: Mobile EEG can be used to understand how users interact with technology. It helps design more intuitive interfaces by detecting cognitive workload, attention, and emotional states.

Spatial Resolution: EEG has limited spatial resolution compared to techniques like fMRI or fNIRS. It's challenging to precisely localize the source of neural activity within the brain.

Signal Artifacts: EEG signals are sensitive to various artifacts, such as muscle movement, eye blinks, and electromagnetic interference. These artifacts can affect the quality of recorded data, especially in uncontrolled environments.

Limited Penetration: EEG signals are influenced by the skull and scalp, limiting their ability to detect deep brain structures accurately.

Signal-to-Noise Ratio: Mobile EEG systems can have a lower signal-to-noise ratio compared to traditional lab setups due to increased environmental noise and less controlled electrode placement.

Electrode Setup: Proper electrode placement and maintenance are critical for accurate data collection. Achieving consistent and reliable electrode contact can be challenging in mobile setups.

Battery Life: Mobile EEG systems are battery-powered, limiting recording durations. This can be an issue for long-term monitoring.

Data Processing: Processing and interpreting EEG data require expertise. Advanced analysis techniques are needed to extract meaningful information from raw EEG signals.


Effects of communicative signals on dyads’ mutual brain activity during joint attention

The study of how communicative signals affect mutual brain activity during joint attention involves investigating how individuals' brains synchronize and respond when they engage in shared attention to an external stimulus or object. Joint attention is a crucial aspect of human social interaction and communication, involving two or more individuals focusing their attention on the same object or event.

Research in this area typically involves using neuroimaging techniques such as fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) or EEG (Electroencephalography) to measure brain activity while participants engage in joint attention tasks. Here's an overview of potential effects and findings in this field:

Synchronization of Brain Activity: When individuals engage in joint attention, their brains tend to synchronize in response to the shared focus of attention. This synchronization can be observed through neural oscillations, which are rhythmic patterns of brain activity that occur at different frequencies.

Mirror Neuron System Activation: The mirror neuron system is a network of brain regions that becomes active both when an individual performs an action and when they observe someone else performing the same action. During joint attention, this system may play a role in understanding and predicting the intentions and actions of others.

Prefrontal Cortex Activation: The prefrontal cortex, particularly the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, is involved in social cognition, including the ability to understand others' mental states. Activation in this area may be associated with processing the intentions and emotions of the partner during joint attention.

Role of Communicative Signals: Communicative signals such as gaze direction, facial expressions, and gestures play a crucial role in guiding joint attention. These signals can modulate brain activity in both the person emitting the signal and the person receiving it.

Effect of Social Bonding: Engaging in joint attention and experiencing synchronized brain activity with another person may contribute to the sense of social bonding and affiliation between individuals.

Individual Differences: The extent to which brain activity synchronizes during joint attention may vary based on individual differences in social skills, empathy, and other factors that influence social cognition.

Disorders and Developmental Differences: Research in this area can shed light on disorders such as autism spectrum disorder, where difficulties in joint attention and social interaction are common. Studying how brain activity differs in these cases can provide insights into the underlying mechanisms.

Methodological Considerations: Studies need to consider factors like the complexity of the joint attention task, the nature of the communicative signals used, and the modality of neuroimaging (fMRI vs. EEG) to obtain reliable and meaningful results.

Monitoring brain activity – out and about

Monitoring brain activity "out and about," or in naturalistic and everyday environments, typically involves the use of portable and wearable neuroimaging technologies. These technologies allow researchers and clinicians to capture brain data as individuals go about their daily activities, providing insights into real-world cognitive and emotional processes. Here are some methods and considerations for monitoring brain activity outside of traditional laboratory settings:

Mobile EEG (Electroencephalography): Mobile EEG systems consist of lightweight and wireless electrodes that can be worn on the scalp. These systems enable the recording of electrical brain activity in various settings, such as homes, classrooms, or outdoor environments. Mobile EEG is commonly used for studying cognitive processes, attention, emotion, and neurofeedback in real-world contexts.

Portable fNIRS (Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy): fNIRS is a non-invasive imaging technique that measures changes in blood oxygenation levels in the brain. Portable fNIRS devices can be worn as headbands or caps and are suitable for capturing brain activity during tasks like walking, social interactions, or sports. 

Ambulatory fMRI: While traditional fMRI requires individuals to lie still in a scanner, efforts are being made to develop portable MRI systems that allow for more flexible scanning, potentially enabling brain imaging in more naturalistic environments.

Smartphone Apps and Wearables: Some smartphone apps and wearable devices claim to track brain activity or cognitive states based on physiological measures, such as heart rate variability, electrodermal activity, and eye movement. While these methods may not directly measure brain activity, they can offer insights into stress, relaxation, and attention levels.

Data Quality and Artifacts: Monitoring brain activity outside the lab presents challenges related to signal quality and artifacts. Movement, environmental noise, and interference from other devices can affect the accuracy of the recorded data. Researchers must develop methods to identify and mitigate these challenges.

Ecological Validity: Studying brain activity in naturalistic settings enhances ecological validity—the degree to which findings reflect real-world experiences. This is particularly important for understanding how the brain functions in daily life, rather than in controlled laboratory conditions.

Ethical Considerations: Monitoring brain activity outside the lab raises ethical considerations related to privacy, consent, and data security. Researchers must ensure that participants' rights are protected and that data collection is conducted responsibly.

Longitudinal Studies: Wearable technologies allow for the collection of data over extended periods, facilitating longitudinal studies that explore how brain activity changes over time in response to various experiences and interventions.

Real-Time Feedback and Intervention: Mobile brain monitoring can be integrated with real-time feedback systems to help individuals regulate their brain states. This has applications in neurofeedback training, stress reduction, and cognitive enhancement.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Successfully monitoring brain activity out and about requires collaboration between neuroscientists, engineers, data analysts, and experts in user experience design to develop user-friendly and scientifically valid devices and protocols 

New paradigms in active and passive BCIs

Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) have advanced significantly over the years, and new paradigms have emerged to enhance their capabilities and applications. BCIs allow direct communication between the brain and external devices, enabling individuals to control devices, interact with technology, and even restore lost sensory or motor functions. Here are some new paradigms in active and passive BCIs:

Active BCIs:
Active BCIs involve intentional control of brain signals to perform actions or tasks. Users consciously modulate their brain activity to produce specific signals that are then translated into commands for external devices.

Neurofeedback and Self-Regulation: In this paradigm, users receive real-time feedback about their brain activity and learn to self-regulate it. This approach has applications in stress reduction, attention training, and enhancing cognitive performance.

Motor Imagery and Motor Control: Users imagine specific movements, such as moving a hand or a cursor, which generates detectable brain activity patterns. These patterns can be used to control robotic arms, prosthetics, or computer interfaces.

SSVEP (Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials): Users focus their attention on visual stimuli that flicker at different frequencies. Brain responses to these stimuli are used to control external devices, like selecting items on a screen.

P300 Speller: Users attend to characters or options presented on a screen, and the appearance of the target character elicits a distinctive brain response (P300 wave). By analyzing this response, users can spell words or select options.

Passive BCIs:
Passive BCIs aim to infer users' cognitive states, intentions, or emotions without requiring conscious effort. These systems can provide insights into users' mental states for various applications.

Emotion Recognition: Passive BCIs can identify emotional states based on patterns in brain activity. This has applications in mental health monitoring, human-computer interaction, and user experience design.

Cognitive Workload Assessment: By monitoring brain activity, passive BCIs can assess users' cognitive workload, helping to optimize task assignments and design interfaces that match users' cognitive resources.

Adaptive Systems: These BCIs dynamically adjust their behavior based on users' mental states. For example, an adaptive learning system could alter the difficulty of a task based on the user's attention level.

Predictive Modeling: Passive BCIs can predict users' actions or intentions based on patterns in brain activity. This is valuable for applications like predictive text input and anticipatory control of assistive devices.

Closed-Loop Neurostimulation: These systems combine brain monitoring with targeted neurostimulation. When a specific cognitive state is detected, the BCI triggers neurostimulation to modulate brain activity and enhance desired outcomes.

Real-World Applications: Passive BCIs have applications in domains like marketing (measuring consumer reactions), safety (detecting driver fatigue), and healthcare (monitoring brain health and providing early intervention).

Both active and passive BCIs have their advantages and challenges. Active BCIs offer direct control over devices, while passive BCIs provide insights into cognitive and emotional states without requiring explicit user actions. The development of these paradigms relies on advancements in signal processing, machine learning, neuroimaging techniques, and interdisciplinary collaboration. As these technologies evolve, BCIs are poised to revolutionize how we interact with technology and understand the human brain. 

A critical review on the physiological interpretation of independent component analysis (ICA) applied to EEG data

Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is a widely used technique for analyzing EEG data and other types of multichannel data to separate mixed sources into their underlying independent components. While ICA has proven to be a powerful tool in extracting meaningful neural sources from EEG recordings, there are several critical considerations when interpreting the physiological significance of ICA-derived components. Here's a review of key points to consider:


Advantages of ICA in EEG Analysis:
Blind Source Separation: ICA aims to uncover statistically independent sources underlying observed data. In EEG, this can help identify neural sources that may be mixed due to volume conduction, sensor noise, or artifacts.

Artifact Removal: ICA can effectively separate artifactual components, such as eye blinks, muscle activity, and cardiac artifacts, from genuine neural sources, improving data quality.

Spatial Resolution: ICA provides spatially distinct maps of neural sources, aiding in source localization and understanding functional brain networks.

Critical Considerations:
Lack of Ground Truth: ICA does not provide a direct link to the physiological source of a component. Interpretation heavily relies on prior knowledge, context, and validation through other methods.

Cross-Talk and Mixing: ICA assumes statistical independence, which might not hold perfectly in real-world scenarios. Overlapping neural activity can lead to mixed components, making the physiological interpretation challenging.

Multiple Solutions: ICA does not guarantee a unique solution. Different initial conditions or variations in algorithms can yield different component orders and activations.

Temporal Structure: ICA assumes temporal independence, which might not align with neural dynamics, particularly when considering neural oscillations or transient events.

Artifacts vs. Brain Signals: Separating artifactual from neural components relies on assumptions that may not always hold. Artifactual components can resemble neural patterns, leading to misinterpretations.

Data Preprocessing: ICA's effectiveness depends on proper data preprocessing. Incorrectly removed artifacts or noise can lead to misleading results.

Component Clustering: Some components may represent mixed sources, making their physiological interpretation challenging. Additional techniques, such as clustering, may be required.

Signal-to-Noise Ratio: ICA can struggle with low signal-to-noise ratio data. Components with weak signal or those influenced by noise might be difficult to interpret.

Source Number Estimation: Determining the appropriate number of sources/components remains an open problem and can affect the quality of interpretations.

Validation: Physiological validation, such as source localization or comparison with other neuroimaging modalities, is crucial for confirming the neural origin of ICA components.

Machine Learning, Human Factors and Software solutions for out-of-the-lab BCI use

The use of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) outside the lab setting involves various challenges related to machine learning, human factors, and software solutions. These challenges need to be addressed to ensure effective and user-friendly BCI applications in real-world scenarios. Here's an overview of each aspect:

Machine Learning:
Adaptive Algorithms: BCIs used outside the lab need adaptive machine learning algorithms that can handle variability in data due to changing environmental conditions and user states. 

Personalized Models: Individual differences in brain patterns require personalized models for accurate performance. Transfer learning and subject-specific calibration are important.

Real-Time Processing: Low-latency processing is essential for BCIs to provide real-time feedback and control. Fast and efficient machine learning algorithms are required to achieve this. 

Artifact Handling: Machine learning models should be robust to various artifacts commonly encountered in natural environments, such as eye blinks, muscle artifacts, and electromagnetic interference.

Online Learning: BCIs need to adapt to users' changing brain patterns over time. Online learning techniques enable continuous updates to the model based on new data.

Human Factors:
User Experience: User-centered design is crucial to ensure that BCIs are intuitive and comfortable for users to wear and interact with in everyday situations.

Feedback Modalities: BCIs should provide feedback in ways that users can easily perceive and understand, such as visual, auditory, or tactile cues.

Training and Familiarization: Users need training to understand how to interact with BCIs effectively. This training should be brief, engaging, and focused on practical skills.

User Expectations: Managing user expectations regarding BCI performance and limitations is important to prevent frustration and disappointment.

Ethical Considerations: Ensuring user consent, privacy, and data security are essential when BCIs collect personal brain data outside controlled environments.

Software Solutions:
User Interface Design: User-friendly interfaces that simplify setup, calibration, and operation are crucial for out-of-the-lab BCIs. Clear instructions and visual aids can aid users.

Data Visualization: Software should provide informative visualizations of brain activity and control outputs to help users understand their interactions with BCIs.

Signal Processing Tools: Software solutions should include tools for preprocessing EEG signals, artifact removal, feature extraction, and real-time processing.

Adaptive Control Strategies: BCIs that control external devices require software to implement adaptive control strategies based on users' intentions.

Data Recording and Storage: Secure and efficient data recording and storage are important for collecting and analyzing user-specific brain data over time.

Remote Support: Remote troubleshooting and technical support capabilities can help users address issues without needing to visit a lab.

Open-Source Platforms: Open-source BCI software platforms encourage collaboration, innovation, and the development of a wide range of applications.

To enable successful out-of-the-lab BCI use, a multidisciplinary approach is crucial, involving expertise in neuroscience, machine learning, human-computer interaction, and software development. Integrating machine learning algorithms, considering human factors, and providing robust software solutions will contribute to the effective and practical deployment of BCIs in real-world contexts.

Tracking Attention Control in Naturalistic Settings
Tracking attention control in naturalistic settings involves monitoring and analyzing an individual's ability to focus and allocate their attention in real-world environments. This can provide valuable insights into cognitive processes, behavior, and the impact of external factors on attention. Here's how you can approach tracking attention control in naturalistic settings: 

1. Wearable Sensors:
Utilize wearable devices that can capture physiological signals associated with attention, such as heart rate variability, skin conductance, and eye movements. These signals can provide real-time indicators of changes in attention levels. 

2. Eye-Tracking Technology:
Eye-tracking glasses or headsets can record where an individual is looking and how their gaze moves, allowing you to understand visual attention patterns and shifts in real-world scenarios. 

3. Mobile EEG:
Mobile EEG systems can measure brainwave activity related to attention. This technology provides insights into cognitive load, engagement, and attentional shifts during everyday activities.

4. Behavioral Observations:
Observational methods, such as video recordings or structured behavioral tasks, can help assess how individuals allocate attention to different stimuli and tasks in their natural environments.

5. Experience Sampling:
Periodic prompts or surveys delivered through mobile apps can capture individuals' self-reported attentional states and activities, providing a more subjective but valuable perspective.

6. Naturalistic Stimuli:
Use ecologically valid stimuli that individuals encounter in their daily lives to evoke attentional responses that closely resemble real-world situations.

7. Data Analysis:
Analyze the collected data using appropriate techniques, such as signal processing, machine learning, and statistical methods, to identify attentional patterns, changes, and correlations with external factors.

8. Contextual Factors:
Consider contextual factors that influence attention, such as the environment, task complexity, social interactions, and emotional states. These factors can significantly impact attention control.

9. Longitudinal Studies:
Collect data over extended periods to understand how attention fluctuates throughout the day, across different settings, and in response to changes in personal routines.

10. Validation:
Validate attention tracking in naturalistic settings against established attention assessment tools and cognitive tasks to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the measurements.

11. Ethical Considerations:
Respect participants' privacy and obtain informed consent for collecting personal data. Ensure data security and follow ethical guidelines for research involving human subjects.

12. Ecological Validity:
Strive to create as naturalistic a setting as possible to ensure that attentional behaviors observed are representative of real-world scenarios. 

13. Individual Differences:
Account for variations in attention control due to factors such as age, cognitive abilities, personality traits, and prior experience.

14. Real-World Applications:
Apply insights gained from tracking attention control to design interventions for optimizing attention, enhancing task performance, and improving overall well-being.

Real-World Neuroimaging

Real-world neuroimaging refers to the practice of conducting brain imaging studies in naturalistic and ecologically valid environments, as opposed to traditional laboratory settings. It involves capturing neural activity while individuals engage in everyday tasks and experiences, providing insights into how the brain functions in real-life situations. This approach enhances the ecological validity of neuroimaging research and allows for a deeper understanding of brain processes in context. Here's how real-world neuroimaging works and its benefits:

Methods and Approaches:
 Mobile EEG: Portable and wireless EEG systems allow researchers to record brain activity as individuals move around in their natural environments. This approach is well-suited for studying cognitive processes, attention, and emotional responses outside the lab. 

fNIRS in Real-Life Settings: Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) is non-invasive and relatively mobile, making it suitable for monitoring brain activity during natural activities like walking, social interactions, or playing games.

Portable MRI: Efforts are being made to develop portable MRI systems that can be used in more naturalistic settings, allowing researchers to study brain activity in response to stimuli outside the confines of a lab scanner.

Ambulatory fMRI: This involves collecting fMRI data from participants as they perform tasks or interact with the environment in a more unconstrained manner, bridging the gap between lab-based and real-world studies. 

Benefits of Real-World Neuroimaging:
Ecological Validity: Real-world neuroimaging captures brain activity in situations that closely resemble daily life, enhancing the ecological validity of the findings.

Naturalistic Behaviors: It allows researchers to study brain responses during activities like social interactions, decision-making, and problem-solving, which might not be easily replicable in a laboratory setting.

Individual Differences: Real-world neuroimaging enables the study of how different individuals respond to stimuli and situations, considering factors such as personality, culture, and life experiences.

Clinical Insights: Studies conducted in real-world environments can provide valuable insights into the brain mechanisms underlying clinical conditions in more naturalistic contexts.

Developmental Research: Observing children's or infants' brain responses in everyday situations can provide insights into their cognitive and emotional development. 

Neuroergonomics: Real-world neuroimaging is used to assess how people's brains respond to various tasks and environments, informing the design of user-friendly technology and workspaces.

Rehabilitation and Therapy: Real-world neuroimaging can guide the development of neurofeedback and cognitive training interventions tailored to real-life scenarios. 

Artifact Management: Real-world environments introduce various artifacts and noise that can affect data quality, requiring advanced signal processing techniques.

Controlled Experiments: Maintaining experimental control in real-world settings can be challenging due to the unpredictability of natural contexts 

Data Interpretation: Contextual factors may complicate data interpretation, necessitating careful consideration of the influence of external variables.

Ethical Considerations: Respecting participants' privacy, obtaining consent, and ensuring data security are crucial in real-world neuroimaging.

In conclusion, real-world neuroimaging offers a unique perspective on brain function and behavior, capturing neural activity as individuals interact with their surroundings. Despite challenges, this approach has the potential to reveal insights that are difficult to obtain in traditional laboratory settings, advancing our understanding of the brain's complexity in naturalistic contexts.


Neuroscience 2023 EEG Xon Mobile Brain Imaging

Neuroscience 2023 EEG Xon Mobile Brain Imaging


Neuroscience 2023 Brain activity Effects of communicative signals during joint attention

Neuroscience 2023 Brain activity Effects of communicative signals during joint attention


Neuroscience 2023 Monitoring brain activity

Neuroscience 2023 Monitoring brain activity


Neuroscience 2023 New paradigms in active and passive BCIs

Neuroscience 2023 New paradigms in active and passive BCIs


Neuroscience 2023 Physiological interpretation of independent component analysis ICA EEG data

Neuroscience 2023 Physiological interpretation of independent component analysis ICA EEG data


Neuroscience 2023 Machine Learning Human Factors BCI use

Neuroscience 2023 Machine Learning Human Factors BCI use


Neuroscience 2023 Tracking Attention Control in Naturalistic Settings

Neuroscience 2023 Tracking Attention Control in Naturalistic Settings


Neuroscience 2023 Real-World Neuroimaging

Neuroscience 2023 Real-World Neuroimaging


Neuroscience 2023 - BrainSupport solution for neuroscience researchers

Neuroscience 2023 - BrainSupport solution for neuroscience researchers


#eegmicrostates #neurogliainteractions #eegmicrostates #eegnirsapplications #physiologyandbehavior #neurophilosophy #translationalneuroscience #bienestarwellnessbemestar #neuropolitics #sentienceconsciousness #metacognitionmindsetpremeditation #culturalneuroscience #agingmaturityinnocence #affectivecomputing #languageprocessing #humanking #fruición #wellbeing #neurophilosophy #neurorights #neuropolitics #neuroeconomics #neuromarketing #translationalneuroscience #religare #physiologyandbehavior #skill-implicit-learning #semiotics #encodingofwords #metacognitionmindsetpremeditation #affectivecomputing #meaning #semioticsofaction #mineraçãodedados #soberanianational #mercenáriosdamonetização
Author image

Jackson Cionek

New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma | Brain States