Jackson Cionek

EEG MicroStates, Consciousness is a movement that perceives itself. Is and comes from the movement of matter and energy that is perceived to be itself and the environment, NIRS fNIRS

EEG MicroStates, Consciousness is a movement that perceives itself. Is and comes from the movement of matter and energy that is perceived to be itself and the environment, NIRS fNIRS

EEG microstates ERP signals Functional organization Connectivity Brain
EEG microstates ERP signals Functional organization Connectivity Brain

EEG microstates and ERP signals are both measures used to study the functional organization and connectivity of the brain. They provide valuable insights into the dynamic patterns of brain activity and how they relate to cognitive processes. Here's a brief explanation of each:


EEG Microstates: EEG microstates refer to brief, quasi-stable periods of stable scalp topography observed in the electroencephalogram. They represent functional brain states that are believed to reflect the organization of neural activity in the brain. EEG microstates are identified through cluster analysis of EEG scalp topographies, where similar patterns of electrical activity are grouped together.

Microstates provide information about the fast and dynamic reconfiguration of functional brain networks. They are thought to reflect the underlying connectivity patterns between different brain regions and are associated with specific cognitive processes. By studying the temporal dynamics of EEG microstates, researchers can gain insights into how the brain organizes and integrates information during various tasks or cognitive states.


Event-Related Potentials (ERPs): ERPs are electrical responses recorded from the scalp that are time-locked to specific events or stimuli. They are obtained by averaging the EEG signal across multiple trials to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio. ERPs are commonly used to study the brain's electrical activity associated with sensory, cognitive, and motor processes.

Different components of ERPs, such as the P300 or N400, represent specific neural responses linked to different cognitive processes. For example, the P300 is an ERP component associated with attention and decision-making processes, while the N400 is related to language processing and semantic integration.


When studying brain connectome changes, researchers can examine how EEG microstates and ERP signals are altered in response to different experimental conditions, tasks, or neurological disorders. By comparing the microstate dynamics or ERP components across different populations or experimental manipulations, researchers can gain insights into the functional connectivity patterns and neural processing mechanisms underlying cognitive functions and brain disorders.


Overall, EEG microstates and ERP signals provide complementary information about brain function and connectivity. While EEG microstates capture the temporal dynamics of functional brain states, ERPs provide precise information about the timing and characteristics of neural responses associated with specific cognitive processes. Integrating these measures can enhance our understanding of how the brain's connectome changes during various cognitive tasks, emotional states, or neurological conditions.



Funcionalidade e Autonomia do Autista | Neuroscience Centers 

Funcionalidade e Autonomia do Autista

Aprendizado de Máquina I ICe UFRN | Neuroscience Centers



Neuroscience Publication 2023 EEG MicroStates

CGX EEG headset | EEG ERP BCI P300 N400


The Consciousness Colloquium | Consciousness

Consciousness is a movement that perceives itself to be. Consciousness is and comes from the movement of matter and energy that is perceived to be itself and the environment. Neuronal tissues can be conscious without being a complete brain.

Consciousness is psychophysical.Consciousness is sentience. 

Sentience is the ability to feel about yourself and the environment.

Educação na Pandemia | Translational Education 

O que é Poda Neuronal? 

Ferramentas para medir o desenvolvimento infantil e a qualidade no ensino na pré-escola.Vivemos a era da cultura digital. O conhecimento, muitas vezes, é intermediado pela tecnologia da informação e da comunicação Implications of neuroscience  in the early years.Exercícios físicos regulares, aumento de atenção e motivação,Habilidades socioemocionais ou competências socioemocionais para lidar com as próprias emoções Etapa prelingüistica

Desarrollo del lenguaje pre-linguístico | Translational Education

Early childhood | Translational Education

Rede CpE | Translational Education

Respirar | NeuroMusic 

La búsqueda de la espiritualidad cesa cuando la búsqueda deja de tener sentido.Esto ocurre cuando el cerebro madura (30 años). La búsqueda fue una herramienta para aprender pero alejó el encuentro.Con la música y el arte podemos reconectarnos y sentir el encuentro.



00:00:00 - 03:53:00

Funcionalidade e Autonomia do Autista


03:53:00 - 07:39:00

Aprendizado de Máquina I ICe UFRN


07:39:00 - 11:28:00

EEG ERP BCI P300 N400EEG ERP Publication Feb 2022EEG ERP Publication Jan 2022EEG-fMRI Publication Feb 2022EEG MicroStates


11:28:00 - 13:08:00

EEG ERP BCI P300 N400EEG ERP Publication Feb 2022EEG ERP Publication Jan 2022EEG-fMRI Publication Feb 2022EEG MicroStates


13:08:00 - 18:42:00

Consciousness is a movement that perceive itself to be.Consciousness are and comes from the movement of matter and energy that is perceived to be itself and the environment.Neuronal tissues can be conscious without being a complete brain.Consciousness is psychophysical.Consciousness is sentience.•Sentience is the ability to feel about yourself and the environment.


18:42:00 - 19:34:00

O que é Poda Neuronal?Ferramentas para medir o desenvolvimento infantil e a qualidade no ensino na pré-escola.Vivemos a era da cultura digital. O conhecimento, muitas vezes, é intermediado pela tecnologia da informação e da comunicaçãoImplications of neuroscience  in the early years.Exercícios físicos regulares, aumento de atenção e motivação,Habilidades socioemocionais ou competências socioemocionais para lidar com as próprias emoçõesEtapa prelingüistica


19:34:00 - 21:13:00

O que é Poda Neuronal?Ferramentas para medir o desenvolvimento infantil e a qualidade no ensino na pré-escola.Vivemos a era da cultura digital. O conhecimento, muitas vezes, é intermediado pela tecnologia da informação e da comunicaçãoImplications of neuroscience  in the early years.Exercícios físicos regulares, aumento de atenção e motivação,Habilidades socioemocionais ou competências socioemocionais para lidar com as próprias emoçõesEtapa prelingüistica


21:13:00 - 22:04:00

O que é Poda Neuronal?Ferramentas para medir o desenvolvimento infantil e a qualidade no ensino na pré-escola.Vivemos a era da cultura digital. O conhecimento, muitas vezes, é intermediado pela tecnologia da informação e da comunicaçãoImplications of neuroscience  in the early years.Exercícios físicos regulares, aumento de atenção e motivação,Habilidades socioemocionais ou competências socioemocionais para lidar com as próprias emoçõesEtapa prelingüistica


22:04:00 - 23:40:00

O que é Poda Neuronal?Ferramentas para medir o desenvolvimento infantil e a qualidade no ensino na pré-escola.Vivemos a era da cultura digital. O conhecimento, muitas vezes, é intermediado pela tecnologia da informação e da comunicaçãoImplications of neuroscience  in the early years.Exercícios físicos regulares, aumento de atenção e motivação,Habilidades socioemocionais ou competências socioemocionais para lidar com as próprias emoçõesEtapa prelingüistica


23:40:00 - 23:59:00

La búsqueda de la espiritualidad cesa cuando la búsqueda deja de tener sentido.Esto ocurre cuando el cerebro madura (30 años).La búsqueda fue una herramienta para aprender pero alejó el encuentro.Con la música y el arte podemos reconectarnos y sentir el encuentro.

#eegmicrostates #neurogliainteractions #eegmicrostates #eegnirsapplications #physiologyandbehavior #neurophilosophy #translationalneuroscience #bienestarwellnessbemestar #neuropolitics #sentienceconsciousness #metacognitionmindsetpremeditation #culturalneuroscience #agingmaturityinnocence #affectivecomputing #languageprocessing #humanking #fruición #wellbeing #neurophilosophy #neurorights #neuropolitics #neuroeconomics #neuromarketing #translationalneuroscience #religare #physiologyandbehavior #skill-implicit-learning #semiotics #encodingofwords #metacognitionmindsetpremeditation #affectivecomputing #meaning #semioticsofaction #mineraçãodedados #soberanianational #mercenáriosdamonetização
Author image

Jackson Cionek

New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma | Brain States