Jackson Cionek

Culture Drives Behavior with Social Interaction in Formação Social da América Latina, Ritmos Cerebrais e Conectividade, Sport and Neuroscience, Functional Connectivity - NIRS EEG ERP

Culture Drives Behavior with Social Interaction in Formação Social da América Latina, Ritmos Cerebrais e Conectividade, Sport and Neuroscience, Functional Connectivity - NIRS EEG ERP

Jackson Cionek - Social Formation in Latin America
Jackson Cionek - Social Formation in Latin America

The concept of "Formação Social da América Latina" refers to the social formation and development of Latin America. It emphasizes the role of culture in shaping the behavior of individuals and societies within the Latin American context. Culture, which encompasses beliefs, values, customs, and traditions, plays a significant role in influencing how people interact and behave in social settings. The cultural norms and practices prevalent in Latin American societies contribute to the formation of social structures, institutions, and patterns of behavior. These cultural influences can be seen in various aspects of life, such as family dynamics, social hierarchies, political systems, and economic behaviors.


Ritmos cerebrais e conectividade, or brain rhythms and connectivity, refers to the study of the electrical activity and synchronization patterns of neurons in the brain. The brain generates different types of rhythmic electrical activity, known as brain rhythms or brain waves, which can be measured using techniques like EEG. These brain rhythms are associated with various cognitive and behavioral processes, including attention, memory, perception, and consciousness.


The study of brain connectivity aims to understand how different brain regions communicate and coordinate their activities. It investigates the functional and structural connections between brain areas and how they contribute to information processing and overall brain function. Techniques such as functional connectivity analysis, which can be performed using methods like functional magnetic resonance imaging fMRI, fNIRS or EEG, help researchers map and analyze the patterns of brain connectivity.


Sport and neuroscience is an interdisciplinary field that explores the relationship between physical activity, sports performance, and brain function. It seeks to understand how engaging in sports and physical exercise affects brain structure and function, cognitive processes, motor skills, and overall athletic performance.


Neuroscientific research in the field of sports investigates various aspects, including the effects of exercise on brain health and neuroplasticity, the neural mechanisms underlying skill acquisition and motor learning, the cognitive processes involved in decision-making and performance optimization, and the impact of sports-related injuries on brain function and recovery.


Functional Connectivity - NIRS EEG ERP:

Functional connectivity refers to the statistical dependencies and interactions between different brain regions or networks. It measures the extent to which brain regions are synchronized or co-activated during specific tasks or states. Functional connectivity can be assessed using various neuroimaging techniques, including functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), EEG, and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS).


NIRS, EEG and ERP (event-related potentials) are neurophysiological techniques commonly used to measure brain activity and investigate functional connectivity. NIRS utilizes near-infrared light to measure changes in oxygenation levels in the brain, providing information about the metabolic activity of neural tissue. EEG records the electrical activity of the brain through electrodes placed on the scalp, capturing the summed electrical potentials generated by the firing of neurons. ERP refers to the brain's electrical responses to specific stimuli or events, providing insights into cognitive processes and information processing.


The integration of these techniques allows researchers to examine the functional connectivity of the brain, understand how different brain regions interact during specific tasks or states, and gain insights into various cognitive processes and neurological conditions.


Functional Connectivity

Functional Connectivity | Ritmos Cerebrais e Conectividade 

Ritmos Cerebrais e Conectividade

Functional Connectivity | Motor action and connectivity

Motor action and connectivity

Sport & Motor Behavior | Sport and Neuroscience

Sport and Neuroscience

Sport and rehabilitation

Sport & Motor Behavior | Use of EEg for rehabilitation

Use of EEg for rehabilitation

NIRS fNIRS analysis | NIRS Data Analysis

NIRS fNIRS tomography Aurora fNIRS: Raw data, HbO and Hb concentration changes can be visualized in real-time in several display modes. Recorded data can be exported over the integrated Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) protocol, allowing for real-time processing in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) and Neurofeedback paradigms.Aurora fNIRS: Turbo-Satori is a user friendly, real-time analysis software for functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) data. Turbo-Satori is compatible with the NIRSport, NIRSport 2 and NIRScout device. It integrates with NIRStar or Aurora fNIRS without the need for any additional hardware.The NIRSite 2021.4 program is designed to provide a user-friendly way of specifying the arrangement of NIRS sources and detectors, also known as a montage, ready to be used with NIRStar and Aurora fNIRS. NIRStar is designed to function as a multiplatform instrument controlling environment that offers maximum flexibility to support the many investigational paradigms that the NIRx line of NIRSport and NIRScout functional imaging systems can explore. 

NIRS fNIRS BCI | NIRS Data Analysis

Social Interaction | Culture Drives Behaviors Conferences 

Culture Drives Behavior Conferences

Social Interaction | Formação Social da América Latina

Formação Social da América Latina



00:00:00 - 03:47:00

Functional Connectivity


03:47:00 - 05:47:00

Ritmos Cerebrais e Conectividade


05:47:00 - 06:22:00

Motor action and connectivity


06:22:00 - 09:31:00

Sport and Neuroscience


09:31:00 - 10:51:00

Sport and rehabilitation


10:51:00 - 14:21:00

Use of EEg for rehabilitation


14:21:00 - 16:49:00

NIRS fNIRS tomographyAurora fNIRS: Raw data, HbO and Hb concentration changes can be visualized in real-time in several display modes. Recorded data can be exported over the integrated Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) protocol, allowing for real-time processing in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) and Neurofeedback paradigms.Aurora fNIRS: Turbo-Satori is a user friendly, real-time analysis software for functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) data. Turbo-Satori is compatible with the NIRSport, NIRSport 2 and NIRScout device. It integrates with NIRStar or Aurora fNIRS without the need for any additional hardware.The NIRSite 2021.4 program is designed to provide a user-friendly way of specifying the arrangement of NIRS sources and detectors, also known as a montage, ready to be used with NIRStar and Aurora fNIRS. NIRStar is designed to function as a multiplatform instrument controlling environment that offers maximum flexibility to support the many investigational paradigms that the NIRx line of NIRSport and NIRScout functional imaging systems can explore. 


16:49:00 - 17:21:00

NIRS fNIRS tomographyAurora fNIRS: Raw data, HbO and Hb concentration changes can be visualized in real-time in several display modes. Recorded data can be exported over the integrated Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) protocol, allowing for real-time processing in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) and Neurofeedback paradigms.Aurora fNIRS: Turbo-Satori is a user friendly, real-time analysis software for functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) data. Turbo-Satori is compatible with the NIRSport, NIRSport 2 and NIRScout device. It integrates with NIRStar or Aurora fNIRS without the need for any additional hardware.The NIRSite 2021.4 program is designed to provide a user-friendly way of specifying the arrangement of NIRS sources and detectors, also known as a montage, ready to be used with NIRStar and Aurora fNIRS. NIRStar is designed to function as a multiplatform instrument controlling environment that offers maximum flexibility to support the many investigational paradigms that the NIRx line of NIRSport and NIRScout functional imaging systems can explore. 


17:21:00 - 19:20:00

Culture Drives Behaviours Conferences


19:20:00 - 23:59:00

Formação Social da América Latina

#eegmicrostates #neurogliainteractions #eegmicrostates #eegnirsapplications #physiologyandbehavior #neurophilosophy #translationalneuroscience #bienestarwellnessbemestar #neuropolitics #sentienceconsciousness #metacognitionmindsetpremeditation #culturalneuroscience #agingmaturityinnocence #affectivecomputing #languageprocessing #humanking #fruición #wellbeing #neurophilosophy #neurorights #neuropolitics #neuroeconomics #neuromarketing #translationalneuroscience #religare #physiologyandbehavior #skill-implicit-learning #semiotics #encodingofwords #metacognitionmindsetpremeditation #affectivecomputing #meaning #semioticsofaction #mineraçãodedados #soberanianational #mercenáriosdamonetização
Author image

Jackson Cionek

New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma | Brain States