Jackson Cionek

Cognitive Neuroscience 2023

Cognition Neuroscience CNS 2023 - CNS-2023-Program-Booklet

Cognitive Neuroscience 2023
Cognitive Neuroscience 2023

Perspectives on the Roots, Present, and Future of Cognitive Neuroscience

Poverty and Neuroscience: A Fish and a Bicycle?

"Poverty as Disability: Neuroscience, Poor Children and Special Education"

Electrophysiological Studies of Human Memory Retrieval

  • Hippocampal-Prefrontal Representations Differentiate Outcomes that Vary by Context

  • Memory Prediction and Reactivation in Human Electrophysiology

  • Dynamic Neurophysiological Representations of Memory During Real-World Navigation in Humans

  • Schema, Drift, and Episodic Boundaries: A New Look at Primacy Effects in Free Recall

Learning and Generalization in Humans and Machines

  • How to Organize Knowledge for Flexible Behaviour

  • Discovering Abstractions that Bridge Perception, Action, and Communication

  • Symbols and Compositionality in Large Artificial Neural Networks

  • How Well Do Unsupervised Learning Algorithms Explain Actual Human Learning?

Stable Perception in the Wavering Brain - Reconciling Perceptual Stability with Dynamic Neuronal Representations

  • Dynamic Reorganization of Neuronal Activity Patterns in Parietal Cortex

  • Communication Subspaces: A Mechanism for Flexible Interareal Signaling

  • Stable Conscious Experience is Represented by Time-Invariant Neural Patterns

  • Relational Coding Underlies the Stability of Perceptual Content in Human Visual Cortex

'Stop Thinking About It!': Cognitive and Neural Mechanisms of the Removal and Inhibition of Information in Memory

  • Removal of Information from Working Memory Via Three Distinct Mechanisms

  • Directed Forgetting within Working Memory: Evidence for Successful Removal and an Active Mechanism

  • Disentangling Cognitive and Neural Mechanisms of Intentional Forgetting in Long-term Memory

  • Active Forgetting of Unwanted Memories via Global Hippocampal Suppression

The Data Science Future of Cognitive Neuroscience

  • Neuromaps: Structural and Functional Interpretation of Brain Maps

  • Data-Driven Mapping and Validation of a Framework for Human Brain Function

  • The BRAIN Initiative Cell Census and Cell Atlas Networks

  • CogNèuro GO: Capturing Synchronized Neural and Experiential Data in the Wild

 Beyond the Brain: Tracking Mind and Brain through the Periphery

  • Sensory Saliency at the Tip of Your Fingers: Evidence from Isometric Force Recordings

  • Eye Movements as a Window on Temporal Expectations

  • Peripheral Motor Measures as a Window into the Fronto-Subthalamic Inhibitory Control Circuit

  • Microsaccades as a window into the role of the brain's oculomotor system in internal selective attention

 Cognitive Neuroscience Lecture, “Everyone knows what attention is …”  On its neural basis in the primate brain

 Can't Stop Won't Stop: Statistical Learning Persists through Development, Brain Damage and Competing Demands

  • The Neurobiology of Auditory Statistical Learning is More Domain-Specific Early in Life

  • The Developing Brain Represents Specific and Group Level Regularities Differently

  • Statistical Learning does not Require the Dentate Gyrus

  • Learning from Abstract Regularities in the Hippocampus and Visual Cortex

 Neurocomputational Accounts of Agency

  • Neurocomputational Mechanisms of Agency-Modulated Reward Learning

  • Neural Dynamics Underlying Updating and Adaptation to Changes in Performance Efficacy

  • Controllability and Goal-Directedness

  • Inter-Agent Empowerment as Social Incentive and the Three Laws of Robotics

 Events and Their Boundaries: A Developmental Perspective

  • Setting Boundaries: Development of Neural and Behavioral Event Cognition in Early Childhood

  • Linking perceptual and semantic predictability to patterns of event segmentation in development

  • Spatial Boundaries and the Development of Episodic Memory Structure

  • Beyond the Boundaries: Event Model Maintenance Across Development

From Observed Experience to Concepts: Multiple Views on the Mechanisms of Concept Formation in the Human Brain

  • Inferring Representational Abstraction from Plasticity Patterns in those Born Blind or Without Hands

  • Multimodal Object Representations Rely on Integrative Coding

  • Relational Encoding Drives Sensory Abstraction in Lateral Temporal Cortex

  • The Effects of Early-Life Language Experience in Deriving Neural Semantic Representations

 Fulfilling the Promise of Inhibitory Control: Bridging the Gap Between Motor and Cognitive Inhibition

  • The Universal Role of Inhibitory Control in Flexible Behavior and Cognition

  • Top-Down Control by Beta Rhythms

  • Recruitment of Domain-General Inhibitory Control Supports Suppression of Encoding of Episodic  Memories

  • Common Brain Mechanism for Stopping Unwanted Actions and Memories

Paths to Increased Brain-Behavior Reproducibility

  • Brain-Wide Association Studies: A Year in Review

  • Considerations for Improving Measurement Reliability and Validity in fMRI

  • Insights From Large-Scale Datasets for Optimizing Study Design and Boosting Prediction Accuracy

  • Improving Robustness and Interpretability in Brain-Behavior Modeling

 In Memoriam Leslie G. Ungerleider (1946-2020)

  • Primate Parallel Pathways in Visual Areas and Beyond

  • The Essential Interaction of Function and Anatomy in Primate Vision

  • On the Relevance of Gamma Oscillations for Figure-Ground Segregation in Visual Textures

  • Face Patches and Circuitry in Human and Non-Human Inferotemporal Cortex

The Brain is Complex: Have we Been Studying it all Wrong?

  • The Entangled Brain

  • A Perspective from Network Neuroscience

  • Modular Brain, Entangled Argument

  • Not Every Thing Must Go

 Altered States of Cognition: The Acute and Persisting Consequences of Psychedelic Drugs on Cognition

  • LSD-Altered Spatial Cognition with Tetrode Recording of Hippocampal Place Cells

  • The Current State of Research on the Impact of Psychedelics on Episodic Memory

  • Spontaneous and Deliberate Creative Cognition During and After Psilocybin Exposure

  • Beliefs, Psychedelics, and the Brain

Methodological Advances in the Study of Autobiographical Memory

  • Age and Individual Differences in Autobiographical Memory Relate to Default Network Connectivity

  • Autobiographical Memory Recall in a Spontaneous Flow of Thoughts

  • New Insights into the Link Between Visual and Mnemonic Processing during Autobiographical  Retrieval

  • Event-Level Neural Representations as a Window to the Content of Past Episodes



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Author image

Jackson Cionek

New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma | Brain States